Nigeria - Nigeria Living Standard Survey 2003, First round
Reference ID | NGA-NBS-NLSS-2003-v1.2 |
Year | 2003 - 2004 |
Country | Nigeria |
Producer(s) | National Bureau of Statistics - Federal Government of Nigeria |
Sponsor(s) | Federal Government of Nigeria - FGN - Funding World Bank - WB - Funding Department of International Development - DFID - Funding European Union - EU - Funding |
Metadata | Documentation in PDF Download DDI Download RDF |
Created on | Oct 18, 2010 |
Last modified | Nov 13, 2018 |
Page views | 1312112 |
Downloads | 68708 |
- Household Roaster fo
r each person - Introductory visit
- Other visit
- General Education
- Educational career
- Literacy and apprent
iceship - Health condition in
the past two weeks - Preventive, health,
vaccination - Postnatal care
- Fertility, prenatal
care, contraceptives - HIVAIDS
- Screeening questions
and list of occupat
ions in the past 12
months - Characteristics of m
ain occupation - Secondary occupation
in the last 12 mont
hs - Third Occupation in
the last 12 months - Fourth occupation in
the last 12 months - Employment search in
the past 12 months - Employment History
- Activity status and
employment search in
the last 7 days - Housekeeping
- Migration 1
- Agric assets, land a
nd livestock - Plot detail
- Harvest and disposal
of crop staple grai
n, field crops and c
ash crops - Harvest and disposal
, root fruits veg an
d crops harvested pi
ecemeal - Seasonality of sales
and purchase - Other agric income,
in cash or kind - Agric cost and expen
ses - Processing of agric
produce - Consumption of own p
roduce, day and mont
h of visit - Consumption of own p
roduction - Non food expenses on
less frequently pur
chased items - Non food expenses fr
equently purchased i
tems visits - Household Expenditur
e on Non-food freque
ntly purchased - Non food expenses fr
equently purchased i
tems - Non Farm enterprise,
First enterprise, e
xpenditure - Agic assets, equipme
nt - Assets of first non
farm enterprises - Miscellaneous income
and expenditure - Food expenses days a
nd month of visit - Household Expenditur
e on education - Household expenditur
e on food frequently
purchased - Household Expenditur
e on health - Housing respondent
- Identification of re
spondent for agric a
nd business question
s - Income transfer
- Introduction to tran
sfer payments made b
y household - Social capital and c
ommunity participati
on - Food Expenses
- Total Household Expe
nditure - Basic chracteristics
of non-farm enterpr
ise - Intro to Expenditure
, first enterprise - Non Farm enterprises
, second enterprise,
expenditure - Intro to non farm en
terprise, third ente
rprise, expenditure - Expenditure, Non far
m third enterprise - Assets of second non
farm enterprise - Revenue of Non Farm
enterprise - Credit
- Savings
- Assets and durable g
oods - Transfer payments ma
de by household - Introduction to inco
me transfer and misc
ellaneous income and
expenditure - Household income sch
Data Dictionary
Data File: Fertility, prenatal care, contraceptives
Content | The section contains informations on fertility, prenatal care, contraceptives on women in the household |
Cases | 92610 |
Variable(s) | 39 |
Structure: | Type: relational Keys: Pid (Person id), Caseid (Case identification) |
Version | Version 1.2 |
Producer | National Bureau of Statistics(NBS) |
Missing Data | All missing data were blank |
Processing Checks | Checking of all invalids codes were corrected |
Name | Label | Question | |
State | State of the nation | STATE | |
Sector | Urban or rural | SECTOR | |
Ric | Replicate identification | RIC | |
Hhno | Household number | HH NO | |
Pid | Person id | HOLDER ID | |
Everpreg | Ever been pregnant? | Have you ever been pregnant? YES ..1 NO ...2 | |
Agefisrtpreg | Age when first pregnant | How Old were you when you first got pregnant? | |
Everborn | Ever given birth? | Have you ever given birth to any child? Yes ...1 No ....2 | |
Agefisrtbirth | Age at first birth | At what Age did you first give birth to a child? | |
Girlsborn | No of girls ever born | How many girls have you given birth to? | |
Boysborn | No of boys ever born | How many boys have you given birth to? | |
Totborn | Total number of children born | I would like to make sure you have given birth to . | |
Girlsalive | No of girls still alive | How many girls are still alive? | |
Boysalive | No fo boys still alive | How many boys are still alive? | |
Prefsex | Preferred sex for next child | If you were to give birth to another child which sex would you prefer? Male ....1 Female ..2 Either ..3 | |
Notlivebirth | Any pregnancy not ending in live birth? | Did you have any pregnancy which did not end in a live birth? Yes....1 No.....2 | |
Totlivebirth | Total number of live births | How many pregnancies did you have that resulted in any birth of a child? | |
Currpreg | Currently pregnant? | Are you Pregnant now? YES ...1 NO ...2 | |
Beipreg | Been pregnant in last 12 months? | During the past 12 months have you been pregnant? Yes....1 No ....2 | |
Howpreg | How did the pregnancy end? | How did this pregnancy end? Live birth ....1 Sill birth ....2 Miscarriage ....3 Other ......4 (SPECIFY) | |
Childliving | Is the child still living? | Is that child still alive? Yes....1 No ....2 | |
Currbreastfeed | Currently breast feeding? | Are you now breast-feeding? Yes....1 No ....2 | |
Recprecare | Receive prenatal care during pregnancy? | During this pregnancy did you receive any prenatal care? Yes....1 No ....2 | |
Ppadpcare1 | Primary person administering prenatal care? | From whom did you receive primary care ? Traditional Healer .....1 Doctor ...............2 Dentist .................3 Nurse ..................4 Medical Asst ...........5 Midwife .................6 Pharmacist .............7 Spiritualist ............8 TBA ..................9 Other .................10 | |
Ppadpcare2 | Secondary person administering prenatal care? | From whom did you receive secondary care ? Traditional Healer .....1 Doctor ...............2 Dentist .................3 Nurse ..................4 Medical Asst ...........5 Midwife .................6 Pharmacist .............7 Spiritualist ............8 TBA ..................9 Other .................10 | |
Ppforprec | Primary place for prenatal care? | Where did you receive primary care? Prenatal clinic (Federal) .......1 Prenatal clinic (State) .........2 Local Government prenatalClinic ...3 Mosque/religious Clinic ........4 Industrial Private Clinic ........5 Doctor ................6 Traditional birth Attendant .......7 Other ..................8 (SPECIFY | |
Secpforpcare | Secondary place for prenatal care? | Where did you receive secondary care? Prenatal clinic (Federal) .......1 Prenatal clinic (State) .........2 Local Government prenatalClinic ...3 Mosque/religious Clinic ........4 Industrial Private Clinic ........5 Doctor ................6 Traditional birth Attendant .......7 Other ..................8 (SPECIFY | |
Timeprycare | How many times did you visit the primary care? | How many times did you visit primary care? | |
Timesecare | How many times did you visit the secondary care? | How many times did you visit secondary care? | |
Hmpdpry | How much paid for the fist prenatal care at the primary care? | How much did youpay for the first prenatal consultation at primary care? | |
Hmpdsec | How much paid for the fist prenatal care at the secondary care? | How much did you pay for the first prenatal consultation at secondary care? | |
Whynotpre | Why not use prenatal care? | Why didn’t you go for prenatal care? Can’t afford ..........1 No health care available ...2 Health care too far ......3 Not necessary ............4 Others ...............5 (Specify | |
Contracep | Using contraceptive? | Are you or your partner using any method to prevent or delay pregnancy? Yes ...1 No ... 2 | |
Prycontra | Primary method of contraceptive? | What main primary method are you using? Pill ..........1 Condom ..........2 Injection ...........3 IUD ..............4 Female Sterilization..5 Male sterilization ..6 Douche ............7 Norplant ...........8 Foaming Tab ........9 Diaphragm ........10 Foam Jelly ...11 Traditional Methods..12 Abstinence .......13 Withdrawal ........14 Rhythm ...........15 Other (Specify) ..16 | |
Secontra | Secondary method of contraceptive? | What main secondary method are you using? Pill ..........1 Condom ..........2 Injection ...........3 IUD ..............4 Female Sterilization..5 Male sterilization ..6 Douche ............7 Norplant ...........8 Foaming Tab ........9 Diaphragm ........10 Foam Jelly ...11 Traditional Methods..12 Abstinence .......13 Withdrawal ........14 Rhythm ...........15 Other (Specify) ..16 | |
Pryplaceaqr | Primary place contraceptive acquired? | ||
Secplaceacq | Secondary place contraceptive acquired? | Prenatal clinic (Federal) ........1 Prenatal clinic (State) .......2 Local Government prenatal Clinic ...3 Religious Clinic ............4 Industrial Private Clinic ......5 Doctor .........................6 Traditional birth Attendant ......7 PPFN FP Clinic ...............8 Patented Medicine Store .......9 Other ......................10 (SPECIFY) | |
Amtpd | How much paid for the last month? | How much does your household pay for refuse collection? Daily……….…....1 Weekly……….....2 Monthly………....3 Quarterly……...4 Half Yearly…….5 Yearly…………....6 | |
Total variable(s):
39 |