Nigeria - Nigeria Living Standard Survey 2003, First round
Reference ID | NGA-NBS-NLSS-2003-v1.2 |
Year | 2003 - 2004 |
Country | Nigeria |
Producer(s) | National Bureau of Statistics - Federal Government of Nigeria |
Sponsor(s) | Federal Government of Nigeria - FGN - Funding World Bank - WB - Funding Department of International Development - DFID - Funding European Union - EU - Funding |
Metadata | Documentation in PDF Download DDI Download RDF |
Created on | Oct 18, 2010 |
Last modified | Nov 13, 2018 |
Page views | 1350298 |
Downloads | 71572 |
- Household Roaster fo
r each person - Introductory visit
- Other visit
- General Education
- Educational career
- Literacy and apprent
iceship - Health condition in
the past two weeks - Preventive, health,
vaccination - Postnatal care
- Fertility, prenatal
care, contraceptives - HIVAIDS
- Screeening questions
and list of occupat
ions in the past 12
months - Characteristics of m
ain occupation - Secondary occupation
in the last 12 mont
hs - Third Occupation in
the last 12 months - Fourth occupation in
the last 12 months - Employment search in
the past 12 months - Employment History
- Activity status and
employment search in
the last 7 days - Housekeeping
- Migration 1
- Agric assets, land a
nd livestock - Plot detail
- Harvest and disposal
of crop staple grai
n, field crops and c
ash crops - Harvest and disposal
, root fruits veg an
d crops harvested pi
ecemeal - Seasonality of sales
and purchase - Other agric income,
in cash or kind - Agric cost and expen
ses - Processing of agric
produce - Consumption of own p
roduce, day and mont
h of visit - Consumption of own p
roduction - Non food expenses on
less frequently pur
chased items - Non food expenses fr
equently purchased i
tems visits - Household Expenditur
e on Non-food freque
ntly purchased - Non food expenses fr
equently purchased i
tems - Non Farm enterprise,
First enterprise, e
xpenditure - Agic assets, equipme
nt - Assets of first non
farm enterprises - Miscellaneous income
and expenditure - Food expenses days a
nd month of visit - Household Expenditur
e on education - Household expenditur
e on food frequently
purchased - Household Expenditur
e on health - Housing respondent
- Identification of re
spondent for agric a
nd business question
s - Income transfer
- Introduction to tran
sfer payments made b
y household - Social capital and c
ommunity participati
on - Food Expenses
- Total Household Expe
nditure - Basic chracteristics
of non-farm enterpr
ise - Intro to Expenditure
, first enterprise - Non Farm enterprises
, second enterprise,
expenditure - Intro to non farm en
terprise, third ente
rprise, expenditure - Expenditure, Non far
m third enterprise - Assets of second non
farm enterprise - Revenue of Non Farm
enterprise - Credit
- Savings
- Assets and durable g
oods - Transfer payments ma
de by household - Introduction to inco
me transfer and misc
ellaneous income and
expenditure - Household income sch
Data Dictionary
Data File: Activity status and employment search in the last 7 days
Content | The section contains informations on Activity status and employment search in the last 7 days in the household |
Cases | 58734 |
Variable(s) | 30 |
Structure: | Type: relational Keys: Pid (Person id), Caseid (Case identification) |
Version | Version 1.2 |
Producer | National Bureau of Statistics(NBS) |
Missing Data | All missing data were blank |
Processing Checks | Checking of all invalids codes were corrected |
Name | Label | Question | |
State | State of the nation | STATE | |
Sector | Urban or rural | SECTOR | |
Ric | Replicate identification code | RIC | |
Hhno | Household number | HH NO | |
Pid | Person id | HOLDER ID | |
Wrkprt | Work for pay, profit, and family gain or produce anything for barter or home sue during the last 7days (including temporary absence from work) | Did you do any work for pay, profit, and family gain or did you produce anything for barter or home use during the last 7 days? (Including temporary absence from work) Yes....1 No.....2 | |
Prevocc | In the past 7 days, which of the previous occupations discussed was the main activity | In the past 7 days, which of the previous occupations we discussed was your main activity? WRITE OCCUPATION NUMBER Other Occupation.....88 Not working .........99 | |
Maineco1 | The hours worked each day in the last 7 days in your "main economic activity1" and in any other economic activity | How many hours did you work each day in the last 7 days in your main economic activity and in any other economic activity? | |
Maineco2 | The hours worked each day in the last 7 days in your "main economic activity2" and in any other economic activity | How many hours did you work each day in the last 7 days in your second economic activity and in any other economic activity? | |
Maineco3 | The hours worked each day in the last 7 days in your "main economic activity3" and in any other economic activity | How many hours did you work each day in the last 7 days in your third economic activity and in any other economic activity? | |
Maineco4 | The hours worked each day in the last 7 days in your "main economic activity4" and in any other economic activity | How many hours did you work each day in the last 7 days in your fourth economic activity and in any other economic activity? | |
Totmaineco | The total hours worked each day in the last 7 days in your main economic activity and in any other economic activity | TOTAL(T) | |
Wrkmore | During the past 7 days, did you want to work more hours? | During the past 7 days, did you want to work more hours Yes....1 No.....2 | |
Repwrk | In the past 7 days, did you look for replacement work? | In the past 7 days, did you look for replacement work? Yes....1 No.....2 | |
Avwrk | Were you available for work during the last 7 days | Were you available for work during the last 7 days Yes....1 No.....2 | |
Wavawrk | Why were you not available for work | Why were you not available for work? In school………………….....1 Household Duties……...2 Too old………………….......3 Sick………………………........4 Disabled……………….......5 Other……………………........6 (Specify) | |
Avfullpart | In the last 7 days, were you available for full time or part time job? | In the last 7 days were you available for full-time or part- time job? Full-time.....1 Part-time.....2 Other.........3 | |
Effort | Have you made effort within the past 7 dys to find work? | Have you made any effort within the past 7 days to find work? Yes....1 No.....2 | |
Wneffort | Why haven't you made any effort within the past 7 days to find work? | Why haven’t you made any effort within the past 7 days to find work? Thought no work available………………………......1 Awaiting reply to earlier enquiries………..2 Waiting to start arranged job, business or agriculture...3 Off season in Agriculture…………………………4 Occupied with home duties…………………...5 Illness /injury………………………………………………….6 Full-time student………………………………………………7 Trying to set up a new business....8 On vacation……………………………………….........9 Other…………………………………………………………........10 (Specify | |
Findwrk | What was done in the past 7 days to find work? | What did you do in the past 7 days to find work? Applied to prospective employers……………........1 Checked at firms, factories or work sites……..2 Asked friends and relatives……………………..........3 Took action to start business……………………........4 Took action to start agriculture activity……….5 Other …………………………………………………....................6 (Specify | |
Wagesal | In the past 7 days, were you mainly looking for wage/salary employment, self-employment or either one? | In the past 7 days, were you mainly looking for wage/salary employment, self-employment or either one? Wage Employment………..1 Self – employment…….2 Either……………………………...3 | |
Gvtsta | In the past 7 days, did you make any effort to work for the government or state enterprise? | In the past 7 days, did you make any effort to work for the government or state enterprise? Yes....1 No.....2 | |
Largefirm | In the past 7 days, did you make any effort to work in a large private firm? | In the past 7 days did you make any effort to work in a large private firm? Yes....1 No.....2 | |
Oinst | In the past 7 days, did you actively seek to find work in another type of institution? | In the past 7 days did you actively seek to find work in another type of institution? Yes....1 No.....2 | |
Avaiwrk | How long you have been available for work? | For how long have you been available for work? Less than 1 month…….........1 1 but less than 3 months……...2 3 months but less than 6 months…...3 6 but less than 1 year…............4 1 Yr bur but less than 2 Yrs.......5 More than 2 years………...............6 Not Applicable…..…….…..…...........7 | |
Unemp | How long yo have been unemployed in months | For how long have you been unemployed? (STATE IN MONTHS) | |
Sortwrk | What sort of work did you do in the job? (main task or duties) | What sort of work did you do in that job? (i.e. What were your main tasks or duties)? | |
Lowage | The lowest wage of willigness to work for someone (amount) | What is the Lowest wage for which you are willing to work for some one? | |
Timeunit | Time unit. | TIME UNIT | |
Total variable(s):
30 |