Nigeria - Nigeria Living Standard Survey 2003, First round
Reference ID | NGA-NBS-NLSS-2003-v1.2 |
Year | 2003 - 2004 |
Country | Nigeria |
Producer(s) | National Bureau of Statistics - Federal Government of Nigeria |
Sponsor(s) | Federal Government of Nigeria - FGN - Funding World Bank - WB - Funding Department of International Development - DFID - Funding European Union - EU - Funding |
Metadata | Documentation in PDF Download DDI Download RDF |
Created on | Oct 18, 2010 |
Last modified | Nov 13, 2018 |
Page views | 1358787 |
Downloads | 72039 |
- Household Roaster fo
r each person - Introductory visit
- Other visit
- General Education
- Educational career
- Literacy and apprent
iceship - Health condition in
the past two weeks - Preventive, health,
vaccination - Postnatal care
- Fertility, prenatal
care, contraceptives - HIVAIDS
- Screeening questions
and list of occupat
ions in the past 12
months - Characteristics of m
ain occupation - Secondary occupation
in the last 12 mont
hs - Third Occupation in
the last 12 months - Fourth occupation in
the last 12 months - Employment search in
the past 12 months - Employment History
- Activity status and
employment search in
the last 7 days - Housekeeping
- Migration 1
- Agric assets, land a
nd livestock - Plot detail
- Harvest and disposal
of crop staple grai
n, field crops and c
ash crops - Harvest and disposal
, root fruits veg an
d crops harvested pi
ecemeal - Seasonality of sales
and purchase - Other agric income,
in cash or kind - Agric cost and expen
ses - Processing of agric
produce - Consumption of own p
roduce, day and mont
h of visit - Consumption of own p
roduction - Non food expenses on
less frequently pur
chased items - Non food expenses fr
equently purchased i
tems visits - Household Expenditur
e on Non-food freque
ntly purchased - Non food expenses fr
equently purchased i
tems - Non Farm enterprise,
First enterprise, e
xpenditure - Agic assets, equipme
nt - Assets of first non
farm enterprises - Miscellaneous income
and expenditure - Food expenses days a
nd month of visit - Household Expenditur
e on education - Household expenditur
e on food frequently
purchased - Household Expenditur
e on health - Housing respondent
- Identification of re
spondent for agric a
nd business question
s - Income transfer
- Introduction to tran
sfer payments made b
y household - Social capital and c
ommunity participati
on - Food Expenses
- Total Household Expe
nditure - Basic chracteristics
of non-farm enterpr
ise - Intro to Expenditure
, first enterprise - Non Farm enterprises
, second enterprise,
expenditure - Intro to non farm en
terprise, third ente
rprise, expenditure - Expenditure, Non far
m third enterprise - Assets of second non
farm enterprise - Revenue of Non Farm
enterprise - Credit
- Savings
- Assets and durable g
oods - Transfer payments ma
de by household - Introduction to inco
me transfer and misc
ellaneous income and
expenditure - Household income sch
Data Dictionary
Data File: Secondary occupation in the last 12 months
Content | The section contains informations on secondary occupation in the last 12 months in the household |
Cases | 3018 |
Variable(s) | 41 |
Structure: | Type: relational Keys: Pid (Person id), Caseid (Case identification) |
Version | Version 1.2 |
Producer | National Bureau of Statistics(NBS) |
Missing Data | All missing data were blank |
Processing Checks | Checking of all invalids codes were corrected |
Name | Label | Question | |
State | State of the nation | STATE | |
Sector | Urban or rural | SECTOR | |
Ric | Replicate identification code | RIC | |
Hhno | Household number | HH NO | |
Pid | Person id | HOLDER ID | |
Kindtrd | Kind of trade, service or industry connected with the work | What kind of trade, service or industry is this work connected with? (Describe the activity) | |
Leghtjob | Lenght of time on the job in years | How long have you been doing this work altogether? | |
Leghjobm | Lenght of time on the job in months | How long have you been doing this work altogether? | |
Samewrk | Are you doing the same work | Are you still doing the same work? Yes ..1 No....2 | |
Whysamewrk | Why not doing the same work? | Why are you not doing the same work? Sacked from job ..1 Completed job ....2 Seasonal work ....3 Firm closed .....4 Found / preferred Other Work..5 Other ......................6 (specify) | |
Fathmothewrk | Father or mother doing the same kind of work? | Did your father or mother do the same kind of work? Yes ...1 No.....2 | |
Wksrkdone | Number of weeks the work is done in the past 12 months | During the past 12 months, how many weeks did you do this work for? | |
Hrswork | During these weeks, how many hours did you normally work? | During these weeks, how many hours did you normally work? | |
Wrkmajb | Did you work on this job at the same time as your main job? | Did you work on this job at the same time as your main job? Yes ....1 No .....2 | |
Nwsmt | No of weeks, same time | Have you received or will you receive money for this work? Yes ....1 No .....2 | |
Renwrk | Any renumeration for the work? | TIME UNIT Daily .......1 Weekly .....2 Fortnightly..3 Monthly .....4 Quarterly ...5 Yearly .....6 | |
Bonuscomm | Amount including bonuses, commission, or tips received | What is the amount? (Include any bonuses commission, or tips received.) | |
Amtime | Amount of time | TIME UNIT | |
Earning | Hours worked for earning last time of earning | The last time you received this money, how many hours did you actually work In earning it? | |
Timeearn | Unit of time for the last earning. | TIME UNIT | |
Whomwrk | Whom do you work for? | FOR WHOM DID YOU WORK? Working on own or family Agricultural Activity, i.e. Farming, Fishing, and Animal Rearing / Poultry/ Hunting ....1 EMPLOYEE IN A WAGE JOB: Government Sector………………………………………………….2 Parastatal ……………………………………………………………...3 NGO……………………………..………………………………………......4 Co-operatives………..…………………………………….…………5 International Co-operatives…………………...6 International Organisation / Diplomatic Mission…......7 Private Sector (include paid apprentices).........…...8 Self employed (other than Agriculture)……………………........9 Self employed in business with employees…………..…...…..10 Self employed in business without employees………..…..….11 Employer……………………………………………………………......................12 Unpaid work in a family business……………….………..…….......13 Other (Specify)…………………………………………….....................14 | |
Taxded | Taxes deducted from pay? | Are taxes already deducted from your pay YES ...1 NO ...2 | |
Payrec | Any payment received for this work in the form of food,crops or animals? | Did you receive any payment for this work in the form of food, crops or animals? YES...1 NO....2 | |
Valofgds | Value of goods received for this work | What is the value of these goods? | |
Timegds | Time units for the goods | TIME UNIT | |
Kindrec | Did you receive any payment for this work in any form such as free or subsidized housing, transportation, or other goods or services? | Did you receive any payment for this work in any form such as free or subsidized housing, transportation, or other goods or services? YES...1 NO....2 | |
Amtkind | Value of amount gain for receiving this form of payment | How much do you gain from this? | |
Valkind | Value of time gain for receiving in this form. | TIME UNIT | |
Plawrk | Is your place of work in the village/town? | Is your place of work in this village/town? | |
Distvilla | How far is it to the village | How Far Away is it? | |
Oftenplace | How often do you go between the house and place of work? | How often do you go between this house and your place of work? | |
Timeplace | Time taking to move between the house and place of work? | TIME UNIT | |
Sameorg | How many people altogether work in the same organization? | How many people altogether Work in the Same Organization? | |
Signcont | Any wrtten contract sign before work began? | How many people altogether Work in the Same Organization? YES..1 NO...2 | |
Tardeunion | Is there a trade union at the place of work? | Is there a Trade Union at the place you work? YES..1 NO...2 | |
Entitleleave | Any entitlement to public holidays or paid sick leave in the work? | Are you entitled to paid holidays or paid sick leave in this work? YES..1 NO...2 | |
Entitlebenefit | Any entitlement to social security benefits in this job? | Are you entitled to Social Security benefits in this job? YES..1 NO...2 | |
Tarining | Have you received any training related to the work? | Since you started this job, have you received any training related to the work? YES..1 NO...2 | |
Mthtrain | The lenght of training in months | How long did the Training Last? | |
Weektrain | The lenght of training in weeks | How many weeks did the Training Last? | |
Total variable(s):
41 |