Nigeria - National Survey of Agricultural Export Commodities 2006, Third round
Reference ID | NGA-NBS-AGREXP-2006-v1.0 |
Year | 2006 |
Country | Nigeria |
Producer(s) | National Bureau of Statitics(NBS) - Federal Government of Nigeria(FGN) |
Sponsor(s) | National Bureau of Statitics - NBS - Technical Surport Central Bank of Nigeria - CBN - Funding |
Metadata | Documentation in PDF Download DDI Download RDF |
Created on | Oct 18, 2010 |
Last modified | Dec 02, 2013 |
Page views | 361022 |
Downloads | 27746 |
Data Dictionary
Data File: Household Xteristics
Content | The Holding character Master Sample EFHU No Age of Holder No. of Holders in the EFHU Highest Level of Education Attained Serial No of this Holding within the EFHU Relationship to the Head of EFHU No of person in the EFHU Sex of Holder No of Export Crops Farms operated (a) Ownerlike possession (b) Squatter (c) Family land (d) Rental (e) Others (specify)also, If rented, indicate type of rent (a) Rented for money (b) For produce (c) For money and produce (d) For services (e) Others (specify)and Which of the following agricultural systems do you use for your export farm? (a) Upland (Rainfed) (b) Lowland (Swampy) (c) Irrigated Code Crop Name (1) (2) 3020 Cashew 3040 Cocoa 3060 Coffee 1050 Cotton 2090 Garlic 2100 Ginger 1060 Groundnut 2110 Gum Arabic 3180 Oil Palm 3230 Rubber 2040 Sesame seed (Beniseed) 2210 Sheanuts 2230 Sugar cane 2240 Tea Yield in local unit Equivalent weight of local unit (Kg/litre) Production (Kg/litre) (*) Number Name of local unit e.g. baskets, sacks, tubers, tins etc. |
Cases | 16310 |
Variable(s) | 35 |
Structure: | Type: relational Keys: Id (Computed identification) |
Version | Version 1.0 |
Producer | National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) |
Missing Data | All missing data were * asterisk. |
Processing Checks | Checking all the identification variable for unvalid code and correct |
Name | Label | Question | |
State | State | The state by state of the data. | |
Lga | Local government area | The local goverment of the area in each state. | |
Eacode | Enumeration area code | The enumeration area of the local government in each state. | |
Hhsn | Household serial number | The household serial number that is being interview. | |
Owned | Owned | Is agricultural export crop Holding owned by Holder (a) As an individual? 1 (b) Jointly with other members of the Household? 2 (c) Jointly with members of other household(s)? 3. | |
Cashew | Cashew | Which of these export crops do you produce in your farm? Is it Cashew? Yes = 1, No = 0. | |
Cocoa | Cocoa | Which of these export crops do you produce in your farm? Is it Cocoa? Yes = 1, No = 0. | |
Coffee | Coffee | Which of these export crops do you produce in your farm? Is it Coffee? Yes = 1, No = 0. | |
Cotton | Cotton | Which of these export crops do you produce in your farm? Is it Cotton? Yes = 1, No = 0. | |
Garlic | Garlic | Which of these export crops do you produce in your farm? Is it Garlic? Yes = 1, No = 0. | |
Ginger | Ginger | Which of these export crops do you produce in your farm? Is it Ginger? Yes = 1, No = 0. | |
Gnut | Groundnut | Which of these export crops do you produce in your farm? Is it Groundnut? Yes = 1, No = 0. | |
Garabic | Gum arabic | Which of these export crops do you produce in your farm? Is it Gum Arabic? Yes = 1, No = 0. | |
Oilpalm | Oil palm | Which of these export crops do you produce in your farm? Is it Oil Palm? Yes = 1, No = 0. | |
Rubber | Rubber | Which of these export crops do you produce in your farm? Is it Rubber? Yes = 1, No = 0. | |
Ssbseed | Sesame seed (beniseed) | Which of these export crops do you produce in your farm? Is it Sesame Seed(Beniseed)? Yes = 1, No = 0. | |
Sheanuts | Sheanuts | Which of these export crops do you produce in your farm? Is it Sheanuts? Yes = 1, No = 0. | |
Scane | Sugar cane | Which of these export crops do you produce in your farm? Is it Sugar cane? Yes = 1, No = 0. | |
Tea | Tea | Which of these export crops do you produce in your farm? Is it Tea? Yes = 1, No = 0. | |
Located | Located | Where is the agricultural export crop holding located? Is it (a) Inside the Holder's premises = 1 (b) In the field around Holder's residence or locality = 2 (c) In a different locality, E.A., L.G.A. (but holder has no residence there) = 3 | |
Ownlike | Ownerlike | Does any part of your holding (i.e. total land for agricultural export crop production) belong to the following categories of tenure? Is it (a) Ownerlike possession | |
Squatter | Squatter | Does any part of your holding (i.e. total land for agricultural export crop production) belong to the following categories of tenure? Is it (b) Squatter | |
Famland | Family_land | Does any part of your holding (i.e. total land for agricultural export crop production) belong to the following categories of tenure? Is it (c) Family land | |
Rental | Rental | Does any part of your holding (i.e. total land for agricultural export crop production) belong to the following categories of tenure? Is it (d) Rental | |
Ospecify | Others specify | Does any part of your holding (i.e. total land for agricultural export crop production) belong to the following categories of tenure? Is it Others please specify | |
Rented | Rented | If rented, is it? (a) Rented for money | |
Produce | Produce | If rented, is it? (b) For produce | |
Money | Money | If rented, is it? (c) For money and produce | |
Services | Services | If rented, is it? (d) For services | |
Ospec | Others specify | If rented, is it? Others please specify | |
Upland | Upland | Which of the following agricultural systems do you use for your export farm? Is it (a) Upland (Rainfed) Yes = 1, No = 0 | |
Lowland | Lowland | Which of the following agricultural systems do you use for your export farm? Is it (b) Lowland (Swampy) Yes = 1, No = 0 | |
Irrigate | Irrigated | Which of the following agricultural systems do you use for your export farm? Is it Irrigated Yes = 1, No = 0 | |
Id | Computed identification | ||
Rf | Rasing factor | ||
Total variable(s):
35 |