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National Agricultural Sample Cencuse Pilot (GHS) -2007, Second round

By: National Bureau of Statitics(NBS) - Federal Government of Nigeria(FGN)
Created on: Oct 18, 2010 Last modified: Dec 02, 2013 Views: 256960 Downloads: 15072

National Agricultural Sample Census 2022, Agricultural Household Listing

By: National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) - Federal Government of Nigeria (FGN)
Created on: Jun 24, 2024 Last modified: Jun 24, 2024 Views: 9487 Downloads: 543

National Agricultural Sample Census Pilot (Private Farmer) Crop-2007, Second round

By: National Bureau of Statistics(NBS) - Federal Government of Nigeria(FGN)
Created on: Oct 18, 2010 Last modified: Dec 02, 2013 Views: 544526 Downloads: 17030

National Agricultural Sample Census Pilot (Private Farmer) Fishery-2007, Fourth round

By: National Bureau of Statistics - Federal Government of Nigeria
Created on: Oct 18, 2010 Last modified: Dec 02, 2013 Views: 369627 Downloads: 17206

National Agricultural Sample Census Pilot (Private Farmer) Livestock And Poultry-2007, Second round

By: NAtional Bureau of Statistics(NBS) - Federal Government of Nigeria(FGN)
Created on: Oct 18, 2010 Last modified: Dec 02, 2013 Views: 530449 Downloads: 18457

National Cooperative Baseline Survey-2007, First round

By: National Bureau of Statistics - FGN, Federal Department of Cooperatives - FGN
Created on: Oct 18, 2010 Last modified: Dec 02, 2013 Views: 212898 Downloads: 49336

National Core Welfare Indicators Survey, 2006, Third edition

By: National Bureau of Statistics - Federal Government of Nigeria
Created on: Oct 18, 2010 Last modified: Dec 02, 2013 Views: 342035 Downloads: 133994

National HIV Sero-Prevalence Sentinel Survey 2008, Eight round

By: Federal Ministry of Health - Federal Govenment of Nigeria
Created on: Aug 29, 2012 Last modified: Dec 02, 2013 Views: 65527 Downloads: 21205

National Literacy Survey Nigeria-2009, First Round

By: National Bureau of Statistics [NBS] - Federal Government of Nigeria(FGN)
Created on: Oct 18, 2010 Last modified: Dec 02, 2013 Views: 148988 Downloads: 9494

National Longitudinal Phone Survey 2021-2022, Phase 2

By: National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) - Federal Government of Nigeria
Created on: Nov 25, 2022 Last modified: Feb 22, 2023 Views: 182580 Downloads: 6017

National Nutrition and Health Survey 2014, Second round

By: National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) - Federal Government of Nigeria (FGN)
Created on: Dec 21, 2016 Last modified: Dec 21, 2016 Views: 209769 Downloads: 14447

National Nutrition and Health Survey 2015, Third Round

By: National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) - Federal Government of Nigeria (FGN)
Created on: Dec 21, 2016 Last modified: Dec 21, 2016 Views: 171029 Downloads: 89854

National School Census (Primary)-2006, First Round

By: Federal Ministry of Education Abuja - Federal Government of Nigeria (FGN)
Created on: Oct 18, 2010 Last modified: Dec 02, 2013 Views: 180440 Downloads: 9484

National Survey of Agricultural Export Commodities 2003, First Round

By: National Bureau of Statitics (NBS) - Federal Government of Nigeria (FGN)
Created on: Oct 18, 2010 Last modified: Dec 02, 2013 Views: 145965 Downloads: 2327

National Survey of Agricultural Export Commodities 2005, Second round

By: National Bureau of Statitics (NBS) - Fedral Government of Nigeria (FGN)
Created on: Oct 18, 2010 Last modified: Dec 02, 2013 Views: 424794 Downloads: 216131
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