Nigeria - COVID-19 National Longitudinal Phone Survey 2020
Reference ID | NGA-2020-NLPS-v08-M |
Year | 2020 |
Country | Nigeria |
Producer(s) | National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) - Federal Government of Nigeria |
Sponsor(s) | Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation - BMGF - Funded the study Federal Government of Nigeria - FGN - Funded the study United States Agency for International Development - USAID - Funded the study |
Metadata | Documentation in PDF Download DDI Download RDF |
Study website |
Created on | Mar 19, 2021 |
Last modified | Mar 19, 2021 |
Page views | 834486 |
Downloads | 11343 |
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Data Dictionary
File | Description | Cases | Variables |
r1_sect_1 | Data collected through COVID-19 National Longitudinal Phone Survey Baseline (Round 1) Questionnaire, Section 1 (Interviewer Information, questions 1-11) - Roster of call attempts, result and respondent of call attempt, interview consent, date and time of call back, roster of phone numbers, the information of the person that the listed phone number belongs to | 0 | 17 |
r1_sect_1b | Data collected through COVID-19 National Longitudinal Phone Survey Baseline (Round 1) Questionnaire, Section 1b (Phone Number Roster) | 0 | 11 |
r1_sect_2 | Data collected through COVID-19 National Longitudinal Phone Survey Baseline (Round 1) Questionnaire, Section 2 (Household Roster Update) - Roster of members of the household, relationship to the household head, gender, age, marital status, reason for joining the household if new, and reason for leaving the household if left | 0 | 20 |
r1_sect_7 | Data collected through COVID-19 National Longitudinal Phone Survey Baseline (Round 1) Questionnaire, Section 7 (Income Loss) - Household's sources of livelihood and their status since mid-March | 0 | 10 |
r1_sect_10 | Data collected through COVID-19 National Longitudinal Phone Survey Baseline (Round 1) Questionnaire, Section 10 (Coping/Shocks) - Shocks that affected household since mid-March and their coping strategies | 0 | 27 |
r1_sect_11 | Data collected through COVID-19 National Longitudinal Phone Survey Baseline (Round 1) Questionnaire, Section 11 (Social Safety Nets) - Type, value and source of assistances that household received from social safety net programs since mid-March | 0 | 11 |
r1_sect_a_3_4_5_6_8_9_12 | Data collected through COVID-19 National Longitudinal Phone Survey Baseline (Round 1) Questionnaire, Section A (Household Identification), Section 3 (Knowledge Regarding the Spread of COVID-19), Section 4 (Behaviour and Social Distancing), Section 5 (Access to Basic Services), Section 6 (Employment), Section 8 (Food Security), Section 9 (Concerns), and Section 12 (Interview Results) - Household identifiers and enumerator identifiers - Knowledge of coronavirus, measures to reduce the risk of contracting coronavirus, steps taken by the federal/state government to curb the spread of coronavirus, satisfaction at steps taken by the federal/state government and reason for not being satisfied - Behaviour of adopting prevention measures (handwashing and social distancing) - Household's access to medicine, soap, cleaning supplies, staple food (rice, beans, cassava, yam and sorghum), medical treatment and financial services (the bank, money agent and the ATM), reason for not being able to access the services, education or learning activities of children at home including contact with children's teachers - Status and information of income-generating activities (wage work, family business and farming), reason for stopped working, reason for not able to perform activities as usual, and reason for reduced revenue from family business - Household's food security status during the last 30 days - Concerns over immediate family becoming seriously ill from COVID-19 and household's financial status - Result of interview including observation notes by enumerator regarding the interview, respondent and language of interview | 0 | 194 |
r2_sect_1 | Data collected through COVID-19 National Longitudinal Phone Survey Round 2 Questionnaire, Section 1 (Interviewer Information, questions 1-11) - Roster of call attempts, result and respondent of call attempt, interview consent, date and time of call back, roster of phone numbers, the information of the person that the listed phone number belongs to | 0 | 21 |
r2_sect_1b | Data collected through COVID-19 National Longitudinal Phone Survey Round 2 Questionnaire, Section 1b (Phone Number Roster) | 0 | 11 |
r2_sect_2 | Data collected through COVID-19 National Longitudinal Phone Survey Round 2 Questionnaire, Section 2 (Household Roster Update) - Roster of members of the household, relationship to the household head, gender, age, marital status, reason for joining the household if new, and reason for leaving the household if left | 0 | 20 |
r2_sect_7 | Data collected through COVID-19 National Longitudinal Phone Survey Round 2 Questionnaire, Section 7 (Other Income) - Household's sources of livelihood | 0 | 8 |
r2_sect_11 | Data collected through COVID-19 National Longitudinal Phone Survey Round 2 Questionnaire, Section 11 (Social Safety Nets) - Type, value and source of assistances that household received from social safety net programs | 0 | 27 |
r2_sect_a_2_5_6_8_12 | Data collected through COVID-19 National Longitudinal Phone Survey Round 2 Questionnaire, Section A (Household Identification), Section 2 (Household Roster Update), Section 5 (Access to Basic Services), Section 6 (Employment), Section 8 (Food Security), and Section 12 (Interview Results) - Household identifiers and enumerator identifiers - Changes to roster of members of the household since the last interview - Household’s access to drinking water, soap and water for washing hands, medical treatment, reason for not being able to access the services, education or learning activities of children at home including contact with children’s teachers - Status and information of income-generating activities (wage work, family business and farming), reason for stopped working, reason for not able to perform activities as usual, reason for reduced revenue from family business, changes made to family business, changes made to crop planting activities, and reasons for making the changes - Household's food security status during the last 30 days - Result of interview including observation notes by enumerator regarding the interview, respondent and language of interview | 0 | 175 |
r3_sect_1 | Data collected through COVID-19 National Longitudinal Phone Survey Round 3 Questionnaire, Section 1 (Interviewer Information, questions 1-11) - Roster of call attempts, result and respondent of call attempt, interview consent, date and time of call back, roster of phone numbers, the information of the person that the listed phone number belongs to | 0 | 21 |
r3_sect_1b | Data collected through COVID-19 National Longitudinal Phone Survey Round 3 Questionnaire, Section 1b (Phone Number Roster) | 0 | 11 |
r3_sect_2 | Data collected through COVID-19 National Longitudinal Phone Survey Round 3 Questionnaire, Section 2 (Household Roster Update) - Roster of members of the household, relationship to the household head, gender, age, marital status, reason for joining the household if new, and reason for leaving the household if left | 0 | 20 |
r3_sect_7 | Data collected through COVID-19 National Longitudinal Phone Survey Round 3 Questionnaire, Section 7 (Other Income) - Household's sources of livelihood | 0 | 8 |
r3_sect_10 | Data collected through COVID-19 National Longitudinal Phone Survey Round 3 Questionnaire, Section 10 (Coping/Shocks) - Shocks that affected household since the baseline interview and their coping strategies | 0 | 27 |
r3_sect_11 | Data collected through COVID-19 National Longitudinal Phone Survey Round 3 Questionnaire, Section 11 (Social Safety Nets) - Type, value and source of assistances that household received from social safety net programs | 0 | 27 |
r3_sect_a_2_5_5a_6_12 | Data collected through COVID-19 National Longitudinal Phone Survey Round 3 Questionnaire, Section A (Household Identification), Section 2 (Household Roster Update), Section 5 (Access to Basic Services), Section 5A (Housing), Section 6 (Employment), and Section 12 (Interview Results) - Household identifiers and enumerator identifiers - Changes to roster of members of the household since the last interview - Household’s access to basic food items, medical treatment, vaccination/immunization for children aged 0-5 years, public transportation, reason for not being able to access the services; coronavirus self-assessment tool; use of soap, use of face coverings in public, and attendance to religious or social gatherings; education or learning activities of children at home; out-of-state travel - Migration (whether the household has moved from their original place of domicile since the outbreak of the pandemic); household’s ownership status of the current dwelling, and their ability to pay rent - Status in employment, why currently not working, job search, change in jobs, actual job, information on wage work; operating status of family business/non-farm enterprise, reason for closure, sector of family business, change in revenue; access to farm inputs - Result of interview including observation notes by enumerator regarding the interview, respondent and language of interview | 0 | 263 |
r4_sect_1 | Data collected through COVID-19 National Longitudinal Phone Survey Round 4 Questionnaire, Section 1 (Interviewer Information, questions 1-11) - Roster of call attempts, result and respondent of call attempt, interview consent, date and time of call back, roster of phone numbers, the information of the person that the listed phone number belongs to | 0 | 21 |
r4_sect_1b | Data collected through COVID-19 National Longitudinal Phone Survey Round 4 Questionnaire, Section 1b (Phone Number Roster) | 0 | 11 |
r4_sect_2 | Data collected through COVID-19 National Longitudinal Phone Survey Round 4 Questionnaire, Section 2 (Household Roster Update) - Roster of members of the household, relationship to the household head, gender, age, marital status, reason for joining the household if new, and reason for leaving the household if left | 0 | 20 |
r4_sect_7 | Data collected through COVID-19 National Longitudinal Phone Survey Round 4 Questionnaire, Section 7 (Income Changes) - Household’s sources of livelihood, change in income compared to August 2019 | 0 | 10 |
r4_sect_11 | Data collected through COVID-19 National Longitudinal Phone Survey Round 4 Questionnaire, Section 11 (Social Safety Nets) - Type, value and source of assistances that household received from social safety net programs | 0 | 28 |
r4_sect_a_2_5_5b_6_8_9_12 | Data collected through COVID-19 National Longitudinal Phone Survey Round 4 Questionnaire, Section A (Household Identification), Section 2 (Household Roster Update), Section 5 (Access to Basic Services), Section 5B (Credit), Section 6 (Employment), Section 8 (Food Security), Section 9 (Concerns) and Section 12 (Interview Results) - Household identifiers and enumerator identifiers - Changes to roster of members of the household since the last interview - Household’s access to medical treatment, pre-natal and post-natal care visits, check-up and preventative care visits, reason for not being able to access the services; use of soap, use of face coverings in public, and attendance to religious or social gatherings; education or learning activities of children at home; women’s savings - Household’s debts status since the beginning of the coronavirus crisis; use of loan, ability to repay loan when their scheduled payment is due - Status in employment, why currently not working, job search, change in jobs, actual job, information on wage work; operating status of family business/non-farm enterprise, reason for closure, sector of family business, change in revenue; expected harvest and revenues from crop sales; effect of the coronavirus crisis on livestock activities, expected revenues from livestock sales, effect of the coronavirus crisis on livestock sales - Household’s food security status during the last 30 days - Concerns over immediate family becoming seriously ill from COVID-19 and household’s financial status - Result of interview including observation notes by enumerator regarding the interview, respondent and language of interview | 0 | 222 |
r5_sect_1 | Data collected through COVID-19 National Longitudinal Phone Survey Round 5 Questionnaire, Section 1 (Interviewer Information, questions 1-11) - Roster of call attempts, result and respondent of call attempt, interview consent, date and time of call back, roster of phone numbers, the information of the person that the listed phone number belongs to | 0 | 21 |
r5_sect_1b | Data collected through COVID-19 National Longitudinal Phone Survey Round 5 Questionnaire, Section 1b (Phone Number Roster) | 0 | 11 |
r5_sect_2 | Data collected through COVID-19 National Longitudinal Phone Survey Round 5 Questionnaire, Section 2 (Household Roster Update) - Roster of members of the household, relationship to the household head, gender, age, marital status, reason for joining the household if new, and reason for leaving the household if left | 0 | 20 |
r5_sect_6b | Data collected through COVID-19 National Longitudinal Phone Survey Round 5 Questionnaire, Section 6 (Employment) and Section 6b (Employment (Other household members)) - Status in employment, why currently not working, job search, change in jobs, actual job | 0 | 27 |
r5_sect_7 | Data collected through COVID-19 National Longitudinal Phone Survey Round 5 Questionnaire, Section 7 (Other Income) - Household's sources of livelihood | 0 | 8 |
r5_sect_a_2_5c_6_12 | Data collected through COVID-19 National Longitudinal Phone Survey Round 5 Questionnaire, Section A (Household Identification), Section 2 (Household Roster Update), Section 5c (Education), Section 6 (Employment), and Section 12 (Interview Results) - Household identifiers and enumerator identifiers - Changes to roster of members of the household since the last interview - Reason for children not attending school, safety precautions available in school, education or learning activities of children at home including contact with children’s teachers - Status in employment, why currently not working, job search, change in jobs, actual job, information on wage work; operating status of family business/non-farm enterprise, reason for closure, sector of family business, change in revenue; expected harvest and revenues from crop sales; expected revenues from livestock sales - Result of interview including observation notes by enumerator regarding the interview, respondent and language of interview | 0 | 126 |
r6_sect_1 | Data collected through COVID-19 National Longitudinal Phone Survey Round 6 Questionnaire, Section 1 (Interviewer Information, questions 1-11) - Roster of call attempts, result and respondent of call attempt, interview consent, date and time of call back, roster of phone numbers, the information of the person that the listed phone number belongs to | 0 | 21 |
r6_sect_1b | Data collected through COVID-19 National Longitudinal Phone Survey Round 6 Questionnaire, Section 1b (Phone Number Roster) | 0 | 11 |
r6_sect_2 | Data collected through COVID-19 National Longitudinal Phone Survey Round 6 Questionnaire, Section 2 (Household Roster Update) - Roster of members of the household, relationship to the household head, gender, age, marital status, reason for joining the household if new, reason for leaving the household if left, and the highest educational qualification of the household head | 0 | 22 |
r6_sect_5c | Data collected through COVID-19 National Longitudinal Phone Survey Round 6 Questionnaire, Section 5c (Education) - Reason for currently not attending school, level currently enrolled, organization running the school, whether the children attend classes on-site, the number of days per week the children attend classes on-site, whether the children receive instructions online | 0 | 31 |
r6_sect_7 | Data collected through COVID-19 National Longitudinal Phone Survey Round 6 Questionnaire, Section 7 (Other Income) - Household's sources of livelihood | 0 | 8 |
r6_sect_a_2_3a_6_9a_12 | Data collected through COVID-19 National Longitudinal Phone Survey Round 6 Questionnaire, Section A (Household Identification), Section 2 (Household Roster Update), Section 3a (Survey of Well-being via Instant and Frequent Tracking (SWIFT)), Section 6 (Employment), Section 9a (COVID Testing and Vaccination) and Section 12 (Interview Results) - Household identifiers and enumerator identifiers - Changes to roster of members of the household since the last interview - Whether the household members ate any imported rice, chicken, beef, milk powder in the last 7 days, whether the household purchased any recharge cards in the last 30 days, the fuels used for cookstove, toilet facility and sources of electricity used by the household - Status in employment, why currently not working, job search, change in jobs, actual job, information on wage work; operating status of family business/non-farm enterprise, reason for closure, sector of family business, change in revenue - Safety precautions available at school; willingness to get tested for the COVID-19 virus; willingness to get vaccinated against coronavirus, reason for not agreeing or not being sure whether to agree to be vaccinated - Result of interview including observation notes by enumerator regarding the interview, respondent and language of interview | 0 | 96 |
r7_sect_1 | Data collected through COVID-19 National Longitudinal Phone Survey Round 7 Questionnaire, Section 1 (Interviewer Information, questions 1-11) - Roster of call attempts, result and respondent of call attempt, interview consent, date and time of call back, roster of phone numbers, the information of the person that the listed phone number belongs to | 0 | 21 |
r7_sect_1b | Data collected through COVID-19 National Longitudinal Phone Survey Round 7 Questionnaire, Section 1b (Phone Number Roster) | 0 | 11 |
r7_sect_2 | Data collected through COVID-19 National Longitudinal Phone Survey Round 7 Questionnaire, Section 2 (Household Roster Update) - Roster of members of the household, relationship to the household head, gender, age, marital status, reason for joining the household if new, reason for leaving the household if left, and the highest educational qualification of the household head | 0 | 22 |
r7_sect_11 | Data collected through COVID-19 National Longitudinal Phone Survey Round 7 Questionnaire, Section 11 (Safety Nets) - Type, value and source of assistances that household received from social safety net programs; difficulties experienced when accessing the assistance | 0 | 28 |
r7_sect_a_5_6_8_9_12 | Data collected through COVID-19 National Longitudinal Phone Survey Round 7 Questionnaire, Section A (Household Identification), Section 5 (Access to Basic Services), Section 6 (Employment), Section 8 (Food Security), Section 9 (Concerns) and Section 12 (Interview Results) - Household identifiers and enumerator identifiers - Household’s main source of drinking water, access to main source of drinking water, reason for not being able to access the source, main source of water for other purposes; access to sufficient water and soap for hand washing, reason for not being to access; use of soap, use of face coverings in public, and attendance to religious or social gatherings - Status in employment, why currently not working, job search, change in jobs, actual job, information on wage work; operating status of family business/non-farm enterprise, reason for closure, sector of family business, change in revenue - Household’s food security status during the last 30 days - Concerns over immediate family becoming seriously ill from COVID-19 and household’s financial status; experience of crime, reporting the crime; the gap between the rich and the poor in Nigeria - Result of interview including observation notes by enumerator regarding the interview, respondent and language of interview | 0 | 105 |
r8_sect_1 | Data collected through COVID-19 National Longitudinal Phone Survey Round 8 Questionnaire, Section 1 (Interviewer Information, questions 1-11). - Roster of call attempts, result and respondent of call attempt, interview consent, date and time of call back, roster of phone numbers, the information of the person that the listed phone number belongs to | 0 | 21 |
r8_sect_1b | Data collected through COVID-19 National Longitudinal Phone Survey Round 8 Questionnaire, Section 1b (Phone Number Roster) | 0 | 11 |
r8_sect_2 | Data collected through COVID-19 National Longitudinal Phone Survey Round 8 Questionnaire, Section 2 (Household Roster Update) - Roster of members of the household, relationship to the household head, gender, age, marital status, reason for joining the household if new, reason for leaving the household if left, and the highest educational qualification of the household head | 0 | 20 |
r8_sect_10 | Data collected through COVID-19 National Longitudinal Phone Survey Round 8 Questionnaire, Section 10 (Coping/Shocks) - Shocks that affected household since the July 2020 and their coping strategies | 0 | 28 |
r8_sect_a_2_5c_6_12 | Data collected through COVID-19 National Longitudinal Phone Survey Round 8 Questionnaire, Section A (Household Identification), Section 2 (Household Roster Update), Section 5c (Education), Section 6 (Employment), and Section 12 (Interview Results) - Household identifiers and enumerator identifiers - Changes to roster of members of the household since the last interview - What should be done for the children who missed school to catch up for the lost time/classes, practical actions for students and staff to adopt in school to prevent the spread of coronavirus - Status in employment, why currently not working, job search, change in jobs, actual job; operating status of family business/non-farm enterprise, reason for closure, sector of family business, change in revenue; main crop planted this agricultural season 2020/21, total area planted with the main crop, total quantity of the main crop harvested, quantity of the harvested main crop sold by the household, amount received from sales of the harvested main crop, change in sales - Result of interview including observation notes by enumerator regarding the interview, respondent and language of interview | 0 | 154 |
r9_sect_1 | Data collected through COVID-19 National Longitudinal Phone Survey Round 9 Questionnaire, Section 1 (Interviewer Information, questions 1-11) - Roster of call attempts, result and respondent of call attempt, interview consent, date and time of call back, roster of phone numbers, the information of the person that the listed phone number belongs to | 0 | 21 |
r9_sect_1b | Data collected through COVID-19 National Longitudinal Phone Survey Round 9 Questionnaire, Section 1b (Phone Number Roster) | 0 | 11 |
r9_sect_2 | Data collected through COVID-19 National Longitudinal Phone Survey Round 9 Questionnaire, Section 2 (Household Roster Update) - Roster of members of the household, relationship to the household head, gender, age, marital status, reason for joining the household if new, and reason for leaving the household if left | 0 | 20 |
r9_sect_7 | Data collected through COVID-19 National Longitudinal Phone Survey Round 9 Questionnaire, Section 7 (Income Changes) - Household’s sources of livelihood, change in income received between August 2020 and January 2021 compared to that received between August 2019 and January 2020 | 0 | 10 |
r9_sect_a_2_5_5c_5d_6_12 | Data collected through COVID-19 National Longitudinal Phone Survey Round 9 Questionnaire, Section A (Household Identification), Section 2 (Household Roster Update), Section 5 (Access to Basic Services), Section 5c (Education), Section 5d (Early Childhood Development), Section 6 (Employment), and Section 12 (Interview Results) - Household identifiers and enumerator identifiers - Changes to roster of members of the household since the last interview - Household’s access to staple food (rice, beans, cassava, yam, sorghum and onion), medical services, reason for not being able to access the services, prices of staple food compared to January 2020 - What should be done for the children who missed school to catch up for the lost time/classes, practical actions for students and staff to adopt in school to prevent the spread of coronavirus - Status in employment, why currently not working, job search, change in jobs, actual job; operating status of family business/non-farm enterprise, reason for closure, sector of family business, change in revenue - Primary caregiver, parental support at home, child engagement with educational contents, school attendance before COVID-19 pandemic (before mid-March 2020) - Result of interview including observation notes by enumerator regarding the interview, respondent and language of interview | 0 | 187 |