Nigeria - Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey MICS3 (2007), Nigeria, Third round
Reference ID | NGA-NBS-MICS3 2007-v1.2 |
Year | 2007 |
Country | Nigeria |
Producer(s) | National Bureau of Statistics [nbs] - Federal Government of Nigeria |
Sponsor(s) | Fedral Government of Nigeria - FG - Funding United Nation Children Educational Fund - UNICEF - Funding National Bureau of Statistics - NBS - Funding |
Metadata | Download DDI Download RDF |
Created on | Oct 18, 2010 |
Last modified | Dec 02, 2013 |
Page views | 624946 |
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Data Dictionary
Data File: MICS3 Women data
Content | WOMEN The data collected from the feild based on (1) Women Information Panel (2) Child Mortality (3) Tetanus Toxoid (4) Maternal and Newborn Health (5) Marriage/Union (6) Contraception and UNMET Need (7) Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (8) HIV/AIDS (9) Sexual Behaviour |
Cases | 27093 |
Variable(s) | 254 |
Structure: | Type: relational Keys: Hh1 (Cluster number), Hh2 (Household number), Ln (Line number) |
Version | Version 1.2 |
Producer | National Bureau of Statistics |
Missing Data | All missing data were 99 |
Processing Checks | (i) Desk officers at the zonal offices (ii) Trained data editors from the headquarters sent to the zonal offices for data editing during the data entry (iii) Data editing through the zonal offices editors before data entry (iv) Competent data entry staff |
Name | Label | Question | |
Hh1 | Cluster number | HH1. Cluster Number: ___ ___ ___ ___ | |
Hh2 | Household number | HH2. Household Number:___ ___ ___ ___ | |
Ln | Line number | Woman's Line Number: __ __ | |
Wm1 | Cluster number | WM1. Cluster Number: ____ ___ ___ ____ | |
Wm2 | Household number | WM2. Household number: ___ ___ ___ | |
Wm4 | Woman's line number | WM4. Woman's Line Number: ___ ___ | |
Wm5 | Interviewer number | WM5.Interviewer name and number: | |
Wm6d | Day of interview | WM6d. Day of interviewed: __ __ | |
Wm6m | Month of interview | WM6m. Month of interviewed:_______ | |
Wm6y | Year of interview | WM6y. Year of interviewed: __ __ __ __ | |
Wm7 | Result of women 's interview | WM7. Result of women's interview: Completed 1 Not at home 2 Refused 3 Incapacitated 4 Partly completed 5 Other (specify) 6 | |
Wm8m | Month of birth of woman | Month of birth: __ __ DK month 98 | |
Wm8y | Year of birth of woman | Year of birth::__ __ __ __ DK year 9998 | |
Wm9 | Age of woman | WM9. How old were you at your last birthday? | |
Wm10 | Have you ever attended school | WM10. Have you ever attended school? | |
Wm11 | What is the highest level of school you attended | WM11 What is the highest level of school you attended? | |
Wm12 | What is the highest grade completed at that level | WM12 What is the highest grade completed at that level? Grade: __ __ | |
Wm14 | Can read part of the sentence | WM14 Now I would like you to read this sentence to me. Cannot read at all 1 Able to read only parts of sentence 2 Able to read whole sentence 3 know sentence in required language 4 (specify language) Blind/mute, visually/speech impaired 5 | |
Cm1 | Ever given birth | CM1. Now i would like to ask about all the births you have had during your life. Have you ever given birth? Yes 1 No 2 | |
Cm2ad | Day of first birth | CM2ad. What was the date of your first birth? Date of first birth: Day __ __ DK day 98 | |
Cm2am | Month of first birth | CM2am. What was the date of your first birth? Month of first birth: Month __ __ DK month 98 | |
Cm2ay | Year of first birth | CM2ay. What was the date of your first birth? Year of first birth: Year : __ __ __ __ DK year 9998 | |
Cm2b | Years since first birth | CM2b. How many years ago did you have your first birth? Completed years since first birth:__ __ | |
Cm3 | Any sons or daughters living with you | CM3. Do you have any sons or daughters to whom you have given birth who are now living with you? Yes 1 No 2 | |
Cm4a | Sons living with you | CM4a. How many sons live with you? Sons at home __ __ Daughters at home __ __ | |
Cm4b | Daughters living with you | CM4b. How many daughters live with you? Sons at home __ __ Daughters at home __ __ | |
Cm5 | Any sons or daughters not living with you | CM5. Do you have any sons or daughters to whom you have given birth who are alive but do not live with you? Yes 1 No 2 | |
Cm6a | Sons living not with you | CM6a. How many sons are alive but do not live with you? Sons elsewhere __ __ Daughters elsewhere __ __ | |
Cm6b | Daughters not living with you | CM6b. How many daughters are alive but do not live with you? Sons elsewhere __ __ Daughters elsewhere __ __ | |
Cm7 | Ever had child who later died | CM7. Have you ever given birth to a boy or girl who was born alive but later died? Yes 1 No 2 | |
Cm8a | Boys dead | CM8a. How many girls have died? Boys dead __ __ Girls dead __ __ | |
Cm8b | Girls dead | CM8b. How many girls have died? Boys dead __ __ Girls dead __ __ | |
Cm9 | Children ever born | CM9. Sum answers to CM4, CM6, and CM8. Sum __ __ | |
Cm11d | Day of last birth | CM11d. Of these (total number) births you have had, when did you deliver the last one (even if he or she has died)? Date of last birth Day/Month/Year__ __/__ __/__ __ __ __ | |
Cm11m | Month of last birth | CM11m. Of these (total number) births you have had, when did you deliver the last one (even if he or she has died)? Month __ __ | |
Cm11y | Year of last birth | CM11. Of these (total number) births you have had, when did you deliver the last one (even if he or she has died)? Year of last birth:__ __ __ __ | |
Cm12 | Live birth in last 2 years | Name of child_______________________ | |
Cm13 | Wanted last child | CM13. At the time you became pregnant with (name), did you want to become pregnant then, did you want to wait until later, or did you want no (more) children at all? Then 1 Later 2 No more 3 | |
Tt1 | Has immunization card | TT1. Do you have a card or other document with your own immunizations listed? Yes (card seen) 1 Yes (card not seen) 2 No 3 DK 8 | |
Tt2 | Any tetanus toxoid injection during last pregnancy | TT2. When you were pregnant with your last child, did you receive any injection to prevent him or her from getting tetanus, that is fits after birth (an anti-tetanus shot, an injection at the top of the arm or shoulder)? Yes 1 No 2 DK 8 | |
Tt3 | Doses of tetanus toxoid during last pregnancy | TT3. If yes: How many times did you receive this anti-tetanus injection during your last pregnancy? No. of times __ __ DK 98 | |
Tt5 | Any tetanus toxoid injection before last pregnancy | TT5. Did you receive any tetanus toxoid injection at any time before your last pregnancy? Yes 1 No 2 DK 8 | |
Tt6 | Doses of tetanus toxoid before last pregnancy | TT6. How many times did you receive it? No. of times __ __ | |
Tt7m | Month last tetanus toxoid received | TT7m. In what month did you receive the last anti-tetanus injection before that last pregnancy? Month __ __ DK month 98 | |
Tt7y | Year last tetanus toxoid received | T7y. In what year did you receive the last anti-tetanus injection before that last pregnancy? Year: __ __ __ __ | |
Tt8 | Years ago last tetanus toxoid received | TT8. How many years ago did you receive the last anti-tetanus injection before that last pregnancy? Years ago __ __ | |
Mn1 | Vitamin a dose after last birth | MN1. In the first two months after your last birth [the birth of name], did you receive a Vitamin A dose like this? Yes 1 No 2 DK 8 | |
Mn2a | Antenatal care: doctor | MN2a. Did you see anyone for antenatal care for this pregnancy? Health professional: Doctor A Nurse/midwife B Auxiliary midwife/MCH Aide C Other person Traditional birth attendant F Community health worker G Relative/friend H Other (specify) X No one Y | |
Mn2b | Antenatal care: nurse/midwife | MN2b. Did you see anyone for antenatal care for this pregnancy? Health professional: Doctor A Nurse/midwife B Auxiliary midwife/MCH Aide C Other person Traditional birth attendant F Community health worker G Relative/friend H Other (specify) X No one Y | |
Mn2c | Antenatal care: auxilary midwife | MN2c. Did you see anyone for antenatal care for this pregnancy? Health professional: Doctor A Nurse/midwife B Auxiliary midwife/MCH Aide C Other person Traditional birth attendant F Community health worker G Relative/friend H Other (specify) X No one Y | |
Mn2f | Antenatal care: traditional birth attendant | MN2f. Did you see anyone for antenatal care for this pregnancy? Health professional: Doctor A Nurse/midwife B Auxiliary midwife/MCH Aide C Other person Traditional birth attendant F Community health worker G Relative/friend H Other (specify) X No one Y | |
Mn2g | Antenatal care: community health worker | MN2g. Did you see anyone for antenatal care for this pregnancy? Health professional: Doctor A Nurse/midwife B Auxiliary midwife/MCH Aide C Other person Traditional birth attendant F Community health worker G Relative/friend H Other (specify) X No one Y | |
Mn2h | Antenatal care: relative/friend | MN2h. Did you see anyone for antenatal care for this pregnancy? Health professional: Doctor A Nurse/midwife B Auxiliary midwife/MCH Aide C Other person Traditional birth attendant F Community health worker G Relative/friend H Other (specify) X No one Y | |
Mn2x | Antenatal care: other | MN2x. Did you see anyone for antenatal care for this pregnancy? Health professional: Doctor A Nurse/midwife B Auxiliary midwife/MCH Aide C Other person Traditional birth attendant F Community health worker G Relative/friend H Other (specify) X No one Y | |
Mn2y | Antenatal care: no one | MN2y. Did you see anyone for antenatal care for this pregnancy? Health professional: Doctor A Nurse/midwife B Auxiliary midwife/MCH Aide C Other person Traditional birth attendant F Community health worker G Relative/friend H Other (specify) X No one Y | |
Mn2aa | Antenatal care:how manytimes during pregnancy | MN2aa. How many times did you receive antenatal care during this pregnancy? Number of times_________________ DK 8 | |
Mn2bb | Antenatal care:how many months pregnant | MN2bb. How many months pregnant were you at your first antenatal care visit for this pregnancy? Number of times_________________ DK 8 | |
Mn3a | Weighed | MN3a. Were you weighed? Yes No Weight 1 2 | |
Mn3b | Blood pressure measured | MN3b. Was your blood pressure measured? Yes No Blood pressure 1 2 | |
Mn3c | Urine sample | MN3c. Did you give a urine sample? Yes No Urine sample 1 2 | |
Mn3d | Blood sample | MN3d. Did you give a blood sample? Yes No Blood sample 1 2 | |
Mn4 | Counseled about aids or the aids virus | MN4. During any of the antenatal visits for the pregnancy, were you given any information or counseled about AIDS or the AIDS virus? Yes 1 No 2 DK 8 | |
Mn5 | Tested for hiv/aids | MN5. I don't want to know the results, but were you tested for HIV/AIDS as part of your antenatal care? Yes 1 No 2 DK 8 | |
Mn6 | Received result of hiv test | MN6. I don't want to know the results, but did you get the results of the test? Yes 1 No 2 DK 8 | |
Mn6a | Took medicine in order to prevent malaria | MN6a. During this pregnancy, did you take any medicine in order to prevent you from getting malaria? Yes 1 No 2 DK 8 | |
Mn6ba | Sulphadoxine pyremethane | MN6ba. Which medicines did you take to prevent malaria? Anti-malarial: Sulphadoxine Pyremethamine A Chloroquine B Amodiaquine C Quinine D Artemisinin-based combinations E Other anti-malarial(specify) H Other medications: Analgesics/Pain Relievers P Other (specify) X DK Z | |
Mn6bb | Chloroquine | MN6bb. Which medicines did you take to prevent malaria? Anti-malarial: Sulphadoxine Pyremethamine A Chloroquine B Amodiaquine C Quinine D Artemisinin-based combinations E Other anti-malarial(specify) H Other medications: Analgesics/Pain Relievers P Other (specify) X DK Z | |
Mn6bc | Amodiaquine | MN6bc. Which medicines did you take to prevent malaria? Anti-malarial: Sulphadoxine Pyremethamine A Chloroquine B Amodiaquine C Quinine D Artemisinin-based combinations E Other anti-malarial(specify) H Other medications: Analgesics/Pain Relievers P Other (specify) X DK Z | |
Mn6bd | Quinine | MN6bd. Which medicines did you take to prevent malaria? Anti-malarial: Sulphadoxine Pyremethamine A Chloroquine B Amodiaquine C Quinine D Artemisinin-based combinations E Other anti-malarial(specify) H Other medications: Analgesics/Pain Relievers P Other (specify) X DK Z | |
Mn6be | Artemisinin-based combinations | MN6be. Which medicines did you take to prevent malaria? Anti-malarial: Sulphadoxine Pyremethamine A Chloroquine B Amodiaquine C Quinine D Artemisinin-based combinations E Other anti-malarial(specify) H Other medications: Analgesics/Pain Relievers P Other (specify) X DK Z | |
Mn6bf | Other anti-malaria | MN6bf. Which medicines did you take to prevent malaria? Anti-malarial: Sulphadoxine Pyremethamine A Chloroquine B Amodiaquine C Quinine D Artemisinin-based combinations E Other anti-malarial(specify) H Other medications: Analgesics/Pain Relievers P Other (specify) X DK Z | |
Mn6bg | Other:analgesics\pain relievers | MN6bg. Which medicines did you take to prevent malaria? Anti-malarial: Sulphadoxine Pyremethamine A Chloroquine B Amodiaquine C Quinine D Artemisinin-based combinations E Other anti-malarial(specify) H Other medications: Analgesics/Pain Relievers P Other (specify) X DK Z | |
Mn6bx | Other | MN6bx. Which medicines did you take to prevent malaria? Anti-malarial: Sulphadoxine Pyremethamine A Chloroquine B Amodiaquine C Quinine D Artemisinin-based combinations E Other anti-malarial(specify) H Other medications: Analgesics/Pain Relievers P Other (specify) X DK Z | |
Mn6bz | Dk | MN6bz. Which medicines did you take to prevent malaria? Anti-malarial: Sulphadoxine Pyremethamine A Chloroquine B Amodiaquine C Quinine D Artemisinin-based combinations E Other anti-malarial(specify) H Other medications: Analgesics/Pain Relievers P Other (specify) X DK Z | |
Mn6d | Times took sulphadoxine pyremethamine | MN6d. How many times did you take Sulphadoxine Pyremethamine during this pregnancy to prevent malaria? Number of times:__ __ | |
Mn7a | Assistance at delivery: doctor | MN7a. Who assisted with the delivery of your last child (name)? Health professional: Doctor A Nurse/midwife B Auxiliary midwife/ MCH Aide C Other person Traditional birth attendant F Community health worker G Relative/friend H Other (specify) X No one Y | |
Mn7b | Assistance at delivery: nurse/midwife | MN7a. Who assisted with the delivery of your last child (name)? Health professional: Doctor A Nurse/midwife B Auxiliary midwife/ MCH Aide C Other person Traditional birth attendant F Community health worker G Relative/friend H Other (specify) X No one Y | |
Mn7c | Assistance at delivery: auxiliary midwife | MN7c. Who assisted with the delivery of your last child (name)? Health professional: Doctor A Nurse/midwife B Auxiliary midwife/ MCH Aide C Other person Traditional birth attendant F Community health worker G Relative/friend H Other (specify) X No one Y | |
Mn7f | Assistance at delivery: traditional birth attendant | MN7f. Who assisted with the delivery of your last child (name)? Health professional: Doctor A Nurse/midwife B Auxiliary midwife/ MCH Aide C Other person Traditional birth attendant F Community health worker G Relative/friend H Other (specify) X No one Y | |
Mn7g | Assistance at delivery: community health worker | MN7g. Who assisted with the delivery of your last child (name)? Health professional: Doctor A Nurse/midwife B Auxiliary midwife/ MCH Aide C Other person Traditional birth attendant F Community health worker G Relative/friend H Other (specify) X No one Y | |
Mn7h | Assistance at delivery: relative/friend | MN7h. Who assisted with the delivery of your last child (name)? Health professional: Doctor A Nurse/midwife B Auxiliary midwife/ MCH Aide C Other person Traditional birth attendant F Community health worker G Relative/friend H Other (specify) X No one Y | |
Mn7x | Assistance at delivery: other | MN7x. Who assisted with the delivery of your last child (name)? Health professional: Doctor A Nurse/midwife B Auxiliary midwife/ MCH Aide C Other person Traditional birth attendant F Community health worker G Relative/friend H Other (specify) X No one Y | |
Mn7y | Assistance at delivery: no one | MN7y. Who assisted with the delivery of your last child (name)? Health professional: Doctor A Nurse/midwife B Auxiliary midwife/ MCH Aide C Other person Traditional birth attendant F Community health worker G Relative/friend H Other (specify) X No one Y | |
Mn8 | Place of delivery | MN8. Where did you give birth to (name)? Home Your home 11 Other home 12 Public sector Govt. hospital 21 Govt. clinic/health center 22 Other public (specify) 26 Private Medical Sector Private hospital 31 Private clinic 32 Private maternity home 33 Other private medical (specify) 36 Other (specify) 96 | |
Mn9 | Size of child at birth | MN9. When your last child (name) was born, was he/she very large, larger than average, average, smaller than average, or very small? Very large 1 Larger than average 2 Average 3 Smaller than average 4 Very small 5 DK 8 | |
Mn10 | Child weighed at birth | MN10. Was (name) weighed at birth? Yes 1 No 2 DK 8 | |
Mn11a | Weight from card or recall | MN11a. How much did (name) weigh? From card 1 (kilograms) __ . __ __ __ From recall 2 (kilograms) __ . __ __ __ DK 99998 | |
Mn11 | Weight at birth (kilograms) | MN11. How much did (name) weigh at birth? Yes 1 No 2 | |
Mn12 | Ever breastfeed | MN12. Did you ever breastfeed (name)? Yes 1 No 2 | |
Mn13u | Time baby put to breast (unit) | MN13u. How long after birth did you first put (name) to the breast? Immediately 000 Hours 1 __ __ or Days 2 __ __ Don't know/remember 998 | |
Mn13n | Time baby put to breast (number) | MN13n. How long after birth did you first put (name) to the breast? Immediately 000 Hours 1 __ __ or Days 2 __ __ Don't know/remember 998 | |
Mn13a | Any check on your health after birth | MN13A. After (name) was born did any health professional check on your health? YES………………………………………1 NO ……………………………………….2 DK ………………………………………. 8 | |
Mn13b | How many days after birth | MN13B. How many days or weeks after the delivery of (name) did the first check-up made? Days after delivery ____ ____ Weeks after delivery ____ ____ DK………………………………… 98 | |
Ma1 | Currently married or living with a man | MA1. Are you currently married or living together with a man as if married? Yes, currently married 1 Yes, living with a man 2 No, not in union 3 | |
Ma2 | Age of husband/partner | MA2. How old was your husband/partner on his last birthday? Age in years __ __ DK 98 | |
Ma3 | Ever married or lived with a man | MA3. Have you ever been married or lived together with a man? Yes, formerly married 1 Yes, formerly lived with a man 2 No 3 | |
Ma4 | Marital status | MA4. What is your marital status now: are you widowed, divorced or separated? Widowed 1 Divorced 2 Separated 3 | |
Ma5 | Married or lived with a man once or more than once | MA5. Have you been married or lived with a man only once or more than once? Only once 1 More than once 2 | |
Ma6m | Month of first union | MA6. In what month did you first marry or start living with a man as if married? Month __ __ DK month 98 | |
Ma6y | Year of first union | MA6. In what year did you first marry or start living with a man as if married? Year __ __ __ __ DK year 9998 | |
Total variable(s):
254 |