Nigeria - General Household Survey 2008, Fourth Round
Reference ID | NGA-NBS-GHS-2008-v1.0 |
Year | 2009 |
Country | Nigeria |
Producer(s) | National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) - Federal Government of Nigeria (FGN) |
Sponsor(s) | National Bureau of Statistics - NBS - Funding Central Bank of Nigeria - CBN - Funding |
Metadata | Documentation in PDF Download DDI Download RDF |
Created on | Oct 18, 2010 |
Last modified | Dec 02, 2013 |
Page views | 417852 |
Downloads | 96741 |
- Part A Identificatio
n - Part B Persons in th
e Household - Part C Usual Residen
ce Absent - Part D Female Contra
ceptive Prevelance - Part E Births in the
Last 12 Months - Part F National Prog
ramme on Immunizatio
n - Part G Child Nutriti
on Breast Feeding Mo
dule - Part H Deaths in the
Last 12 Months - Part I Health for al
l Persons in the Hou
sehold - Part J Household Ent
erprise - Part K Household Exp
Variable Groups
Primary or main occupation
File: Part B Persons in the Household
File: Part B Persons in the Household
Continuous Format: numeric Width: 3 Decimals: 0 Range: 11-962 | Valid cases: 37894 Invalid: 69531 Minimum: 11 Maximum: 962 |
Value | Category | Cases | |
11 | Commissioned armed forces officers | 21 | 0.1% |
21 | Non-commisiioned armed forces officers | 24 | 0.1% |
31 | Armed forces occupations, other ranks | 81 | 0.2% |
111 | Legislator and senior officials | 45 | 0.1% |
112 | Managing directors and chief executives | 13 | 0.0% |
121 | Business services and administration managers | 72 | 0.2% |
122 | Sales, marketing and development managers | 23 | 0.1% |
131 | Production managers in agriculture, forestry and fisheries | 105 | 0.3% |
132 | Manufacturing, mining, construction and distribution manager | 35 | 0.1% |
133 | Information and communications technonlogy service managers | 1 | 0.0% |
134 | Professional service managers | 3 | 0.0% |
141 | Hotel and resturant managers | 53 | 0.1% |
142 | Retail and wholsale trade managers | 930 | 2.5% |
143 | Other services managers | 17 | 0.0% |
211 | Physical and earth science professionals | 4 | 0.0% |
212 | Mathematicians, actuaries, (excluding electrotechnology) | 2 | 0.0% |
213 | Life science professionals | 1 | 0.0% |
214 | Engineering professionals (excluding electrotecnology) | 36 | 0.1% |
215 | Electrotechnology engineers | 10 | 0.0% |
216 | Architects, planners, surveyors and designers | 34 | 0.1% |
221 | Medical doctors | 39 | 0.1% |
222 | Nursing and midwifery professionals | 87 | 0.2% |
223 | Traditional and complimentary medicine professionals | 42 | 0.1% |
224 | Pramedical practioners | 13 | 0.0% |
225 | Veterinarians | 13 | 0.0% |
226 | Other health professionals | 66 | 0.2% |
231 | University and higher education teachers | 57 | 0.2% |
232 | Vocational education teachers | 23 | 0.1% |
233 | Traditional and complimentary medicine professionals | 510 | 1.3% |
234 | Primary school and early childhood teachers | 663 | 1.7% |
235 | Other teaching professionals | 75 | 0.2% |
241 | Finance professionals | 79 | 0.2% |
242 | Admnistration professionals | 207 | 0.5% |
243 | Sales, marketing and public relations professionals | 241 | 0.6% |
251 | Software and applications developers and analysis | 14 | 0.0% |
252 | Dtabase and network professionals | 10 | 0.0% |
261 | Legal professionals | 19 | 0.1% |
262 | Librarians, arcivists and curators | 6 | 0.0% |
263 | Social and religious professionals | 82 | 0.2% |
264 | Authors, journalists and linguists | 6 | 0.0% |
265 | Creative and performing artists | 10 | 0.0% |
311 | Physical and engineering science technicians | 30 | 0.1% |
312 | Mining, manufacturing and construction supervisors | 17 | 0.0% |
313 | Process control technicians | 8 | 0.0% |
314 | Life science technicians and related associate professionals | 1 | 0.0% |
315 | Ship and aircraft controllers and technicians | 4 | 0.0% |
321 | Medical and pharmaceutical technicians | 26 | 0.1% |
322 | Nursing and midwifery associate professionals | 64 | 0.2% |
323 | Traditional and complimentary medicine associate professiona | 12 | 0.0% |
324 | Veterinary technicians and assistants | 7 | 0.0% |
325 | Other health associate professionals | 51 | 0.1% |
331 | Finance and mathematical associate professionals | 19 | 0.1% |
332 | Sales and purchasing agents and brokers | 24 | 0.1% |
333 | Business service agents | 73 | 0.2% |
334 | Adminstartive and specialized secretaries | 114 | 0.3% |
335 | Regulatory government associate professionals | 5 | 0.0% |
341 | Legal, social and religious associate professionals | 45 | 0.1% |
342 | Sports and fitness workers | 6 | 0.0% |
343 | Artistic, cutural and culinary associate professional | 7 | 0.0% |
351 | Information and comm. Tech operations and user supp. Tech. | 50 | 0.1% |
352 | Telecommunications and broadcasting technicians | 11 | 0.0% |
411 | General office clerks | 297 | 0.8% |
412 | Secretaries (general) | 48 | 0.1% |
413 | Keyboard operators | 8 | 0.0% |
421 | Tellers, money collectors and related clerks | 37 | 0.1% |
422 | Client information workers | 4 | 0.0% |
431 | Numerical clerks | 17 | 0.0% |
432 | Material-recording and transport clerks | 1 | 0.0% |
441 | Other clerical support workers | 127 | 0.3% |
511 | Travel attendants, conductors and guides | 50 | 0.1% |
512 | Cooks | 105 | 0.3% |
513 | Waiters and bartenders | 17 | 0.0% |
514 | Hairddressers, beauticians and related workers | 321 | 0.8% |
515 | Building and housekeeping supervisors | 48 | 0.1% |
516 | Other personal service workers | 934 | 2.5% |
521 | Street and market salespersons | 2548 | 6.7% |
522 | Shop salespersons | 1021 | 2.7% |
523 | Cashiers and ticket aides | 17 | 0.0% |
524 | Other sales workers | 729 | 1.9% |
531 | Child care workers in health services | 24 | 0.1% |
532 | Personal care workers in health services | 21 | 0.1% |
541 | Protective services workers | 203 | 0.5% |
611 | Market gardeners and crop growers | 573 | 1.5% |
612 | Animal producers | 86 | 0.2% |
613 | Mixed crop and animal producers | 2466 | 6.5% |
621 | Forestry and related workers | 107 | 0.3% |
622 | Fishery workers, hunters and trappers | 43 | 0.1% |
631 | Subsistence crop farmers | 12540 | 33.1% |
632 | Susitence livestock farmers | 282 | 0.7% |
633 | Subsitence mixed crop and livestock farmers | 5274 | 13.9% |
634 | Subsitence fishers, hunters, trappers and gatherers | 347 | 0.9% |
711 | Building frame and related trades workers | 130 | 0.3% |
712 | Building finishers and related trades workers | 124 | 0.3% |
713 | Painters, building structure cleaners and related trades wor | 147 | 0.4% |
721 | Sheet and structural metal workers, moulders and welders | 147 | 0.4% |
722 | Blacksmiths, toolmakers and related trades workers | 37 | 0.1% |
723 | Machinery mechanics and repairers | 212 | 0.6% |
731 | Handicraft workers | 58 | 0.2% |
732 | Printing trades workers | 20 | 0.1% |
741 | Electrical equipment installers and repairers | 105 | 0.3% |
742 | Electronics and telecommunications installers and repairers | 24 | 0.1% |
751 | Food processing and related workers | 920 | 2.4% |
752 | Wood treaters, cabinet makers and related trades workers | 138 | 0.4% |
753 | Garment and related trades workers | 279 | 0.7% |
754 | Other craft and related workers | 56 | 0.1% |
811 | Mining and mineral processing plant operators | 5 | 0.0% |
812 | Metal processing and finishing plant operators | 11 | 0.0% |
813 | Chemical and photographic products plant and machine operato | 11 | 0.0% |
814 | Rubber, plastic and paper products machine operators | 4 | 0.0% |
815 | Textile, fur and leather products , machine operators | 93 | 0.2% |
816 | Food and related products machine operators | 25 | 0.1% |
817 | Wood processing and papermaking plant operators | 19 | 0.1% |
818 | Other stationery plant and machine operators | 8 | 0.0% |
821 | Assemblers | 3 | 0.0% |
831 | Locomotive engine drivers and related workers | 47 | 0.1% |
832 | Car, van and motorcycle drivers | 683 | 1.8% |
833 | Heavy truck and bus drivers | 126 | 0.3% |
834 | Mobile plant operators | 15 | 0.0% |
835 | Ships deck crews and related workers | 7 | 0.0% |
911 | Domestic hotel and office cleaners and helpers | 119 | 0.3% |
912 | Vehicle, window, laundry and other hand cleaning workers | 16 | 0.0% |
921 | Agricultural, forestry and fishery labourers | 1260 | 3.3% |
931 | Mining and construction labourers | 65 | 0.2% |
932 | Manufacturing labourers | 31 | 0.1% |
933 | Transport and storage labourers | 33 | 0.1% |
941 | Food preparation assistants | 101 | 0.3% |
951 | Street and related service workers | 125 | 0.3% |
952 | Street vendors (excluding food) | 34 | 0.1% |
961 | Refuse workers | 0 | 0.0% |
962 | Other elementary workers | 8 | 0.0% |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.
Questions and instructions
Primary or Main occupation