Nigeria - National Survey of Agricultural Export Commodities 2003, First Round
Reference ID | NGA-NBS-AGREXP-2003-v1.0 |
Year | 2003 - 2005 |
Country | Nigeria |
Producer(s) | National Bureau of Statitics (NBS) - Federal Government of Nigeria (FGN) |
Sponsor(s) | National Bureau of Statitics - NBS - Technical Support Central Bank of Nigeria - CBN - Funding |
Metadata | Documentation in PDF Download DDI |
Created on | Oct 18, 2010 |
Last modified | Dec 02, 2013 |
Page views | 155559 |
Downloads | 2431 |
Data Dictionary
Data File: Holding characteristics and others data
Content | The Holding character Master Sample EFHU No Age of Holder No. of Holders in the EFHU Highest Level of Education Attained Serial No of this Holding within the EFHU Relationship to the Head of EFHU No of person in the EFHU Sex of Holder No of Export Crops Farms operated Does any part of your holding (i.e. total land for agricultural export crop production) belong to the following categories of tenure? (a) Ownerlike possession (b) Squatter (c) Family land (d) Rental (e) Others (specify)also, If rented, indicate type of rent (a) Rented for money (b) For produce (c) For money and produce (d) For services (e) Others (specify)and Which of the following agricultural systems do you use for your export farm? (a) Upland (Rainfed) (b) Lowland (Swampy) (c) Irrigated What are the sources of funds for running this agricultural export crop holding during this season? (01) Own Funds (02) Friends/Relations (03) Community Banks (04) Nigeria Agric. Coop. & Rural Dev. Bank (05) Commercial/Merchant Bank (06) Cooperative Society (07) Local money lender (08) Micro Credit Institutions (Esusu etc) (09) Credit in Kind (specify) (10) Other sources (specify Yield in local unit Equivalent weight of local unit (Kg/litre) Area (Kg/litre) (*) Number Name of local unit e.g. Heap, stands, ridges etc. Crop Cashew Cocoa Coffee Cotton Garlic Ginger Groundnut Gum Arabic Oil Palm Rubber Sesame seed (Beniseed) Shearnuts Sugar cane Tea Yield in local unit Equivalent weight of local unit (Kg/litre) Production (Kg/litre) (*) Number Name of local unit e.g. baskets, sacks, tubers, tins etc. Also contains the same crops with area The farms implements ploughing (a) Hoe (b) Cutlass (c) Animal drawn plough (d) Motorized plough (e) Others (specify) for harvesting? (a) Hoe (b) Cutlass (c) Mechanized Equipment (d) Others (specify) ploughing implements? (a) Government (b) Open Market (c) Cooperative (d) Others (specify) transportation means (a) Truck/Pickup/Vans (b) Motorcycle (c) Bicycle (d) Boat/Engine Boat (e) Donkey/Camel (f) Head carrier (g) Others (specify) The market chanels On the farm Nearest point to the farm In the coop-erative society In the open market Middle-men Direct supplies to oversea (export) Have you used fertilizer on any of your agricultural export crops farms this season? Total No of Farms No. Treated Total No of Farms No. ntreated type of fertilizer (a) Chemical fertilizer only (b) Farm yard manure only (c) Chemical / Manure (combined) sources of supply of chemical fertilizer? (a) Ministry (Extension services) (b) Agro service center (c) Farm service center (d) Cooperative society (e) Local market (f) Others (specify) obtaining chemical fertilizer? (a) Within Locality (b) Outside Locality but less than 10 km (c) More than 10 km but less than 50 km (d) 50 km and above the type(s) of fertilizer, Urea Quantity (kg) Cost (N) NPK Quantity (kg) Cost (N) Single Super Phosphate Potassium Phosphate Others(specify) reason for not using fertilizer? (a) Doubt its effectiveness (b) Too costly to obtain (c) Too far to obtain (d) Don't know where to obtain it (e) Don't know hoe to use it (f) Never heard of it (g) Don't need it (h) Others (specify) Have you used pesticides/insecticides/herbicides on any of your agricultural export crops farms this season? Total No of Farms No. Treated Total No of Farms No. Untreated type of pesticides/insecticides/herbicides (a) Chemical fertilizer only (b) Farm yard manure only (c) Chemical / Manure (combined) sources of supply of chemical pesticides/insecticides/herbicides? (a) Ministry (Extension services) (b) Agro service center (c) Farm service center (d) Cooperative society (e) Local market (f) Others (specify) the type(s) of fertilizer, Quantity (kg) pesticides/insecticides/herbicides Cost (N) pesticides/insecticides/herbicides reason for not using pesticides/insecticides/herbicides? (a) Doubt its effectiveness (b) Too costly to obtain (c) Too far to obtain (d) Don't know where to obtain it (e) Don't know hoe to use it (f) Never heard of it (g) Don't need it (h) Others (specify) Have you used improved seedlings/seed on any of your agricultural export crops farms this season? the type(s) of improved seedlings/seed Quantity (kg) of improved seedlings/seed Quantity (kg) Quantity (kg) cost of improved seedlings/seed Cost (N) Cost (N) Total No of Farms No. Treated Total No of Farms No. ntreated type of improved seedlings/seed (a) Chemical fertilizer only (b) Farm yard manure only (c) Chemical / Manure (combined) sources of supply of chemical improved seedlings/seed ? (a) Ministry (Extension services) (b) Agro service center (c) Farm service center (d) Cooperative society (e) Local market (f) Others (specify) |
Cases | 14374 |
Variable(s) | 185 |
Structure: | Type: relational Keys: State (States in nigeria), Lga (Local govt. Area), Eacode (Enumeration area code), Sector (Urban/rural), Hhno (Household no.), Msno (Master sample no) |
Version | Version 1.0 |
Producer | National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) |
Missing Data | All missing data were * asterisk. |
Processing Checks | Checking all the identification variable for unvalid code and correct |
Name | Label | Question | |
Oilmil | Oil mill | Oil mill Yes No | |
Peelin | Peeling machine | Peeling machine Yes No | |
Grindma | Grinding machine | Grinding machine Yes No | |
Presma | Pressing machine | Pressing machine Yes No | |
Othpro | Other facilities | Other facilities Yes No | |
Totnum | Total number | Total number | |
Totmale | Total male | Total male | |
Totfema | Total female | Total Female | |
Mktchan | Market channels | Market Channels | |
Sales | Sales outlet | Sales Outlet | |
Usefert | Use of fertilizer | Use of Fertilizer Yes No | |
Nofarmf | No. Of farm | No. of Farm | |
Treated | No. Of farm treated with fertilizer | No. of Farm Treated with Fertilizer | |
Untreat | No. Of farm not treated with fertilizer | No. of Farm Not Treated with Fertilizer | |
Chemonl | Chemical only | (a) Chemical fertilizer only | |
Farmya | Farm yard | (b) Farm yard manure only | |
Chemman | Chemical/manure | (c ) Chemical / Manure (combined) | |
Ministr | Ministry | (a) Ministry (Extension services) Yes No. | |
Agroser | Agro service | (b) Agro services centers Yes No. | |
Farmser | Farm service | (c) Farm service center Yes No. | |
Coopn | Cooperative | (d) Cooperative society Yes No. | |
Locamkt | Local market | (e) Local market Yes No. | |
Othersp | Other source | Others (specify) Yes No. | |
Howfarf | Farms used fertilizer | ||
Ureaqty | Quantity of urea | Quantity of Urea Quantity in Kilograms | |
Npkqty | Quantity of npk | Quantity of NPK in kilograms | |
Ssphqty | Quantity of ssph | Quantity of SSPH in kilograms | |
Pophqty | Quantity of poph | Quantity of POPH in kilograms | |
Othqty | Quantity of other fertilizer | Quantity of Other Fertilizer in kilograms | |
Doubtf | Doubtful of its usefulness | Doubtful of its Usefulness Yes No | |
Costlyf | Costly | Costly Yes No | |
Dknowhf | Dont know how to use it | Dont Know How to Use it Yes No | |
Dknowuf | Dont know how its usefulness | Dont Know How its Usefulness Yes No | |
Neverhf | Never heard of it | Never Heard of it Yes No | |
Dneeditf | Don't need it | Don't Need it Yes No | |
Othnotf | Others not specified | Others not specified Yes No | |
Pestic | Pesticide | Pesticide Yes No. | |
Nofarmp | No. Of farms | No. of Farms | |
Treatp | No. Treated with pesticide | No. treated with Pesticide | |
Untrtp | No. Not treated with pesticide | No. Not treated with Pesticide | |
Pest1 | Pesticides 1 | pesticides 1 (Quantity used in kilogram/Litres) and cost in naira | |
Pest2 | Pesticides 2 | pesticides 2 (Quantity used in kilogram/Litres) and cost in naira | |
Pest3 | Pesticides 3 | pesticides 3 (Quantity used in kilogram/Litres) and cost in naira | |
Qty1 | Quantity 1 | Quantity 1 in kilogram/litres | |
Qty2 | Quantity 2 | Quantity 2 in kilogram/litres | |
Qty3 | Quantity 3 | Quantity in kilogram/litres. | |
Ministp | Ministry | (a) Ministry (Extension services). | |
Agrosp | Agro service | (b) Agro services centers. | |
Farmsp | Farm service | (c) Farm service center. | |
Coopsp | Cooperative | (d) Cooperative society. | |
Lomktp | Local market | (e) Local market. | |
Othesp | Other source | Others (specify) | |
Howfarp | How far to get your pesticides | How far to get your pesticides? | |
Doubtp | Doubtful of its usefulness | (a) Doubtful of its Usefulness Yes No | |
Costlyp | Costly | (b) Too costly to obtain Yes No | |
Fartop | Too far to purchase | (c) Too far to purchase Yes No | |
Dknowhp | Dont know how to use it | (d) Don't know how to use it Yes No | |
Dknowup | Dont know how its usefulness | (e) Dont Know how to Use it Yes No | |
Neverhp | Never heard of it | (f) Never heard of it Yes No | |
Dneeditp | Don't need it | (g) Don't need it Yes No | |
Othnotp | Others not specified | Others (specify) Yes No | |
Imprseed | Improved seed/seedling | Improved seed/seedling Yes No | |
Minists | Ministry | (a) Ministry (Extension services) Yes No | |
Agross | Agro service | (b) Agro services center Yes No | |
Farmss | Farm service | (c) Farm service center Yes No | |
Coopss | Cooperative | (d) Cooperative society Yes No | |
Lomkts | Local market | (e) Local market Yes No | |
Othess | Other source | Others (specify) Yes No | |
Howfars | How far to get your seed/seedling | How far to get your seed/seedling? | |
Doubts | Doubtful of its usefulness | (a) Doubt its effectiveness Yes No | |
Costlys | Costly | (b) Too costly to obtain Yes No | |
Fartos | Too far to purchase | (c) Too far to obtain Yes No | |
Dknowhs | Dont know how to use it | (e) Don't know how to use it Yes No | |
Dknowus | Dont know how its usefulness | (e) Dont Know How its Usefulness Yes No | |
Neverhs | Never heard of it | (f) Never heard of it Yes No | |
Dneedits | Don't need it | (g) Don't need it Yes No | |
Othnots | Others not specified | Others (specify) Yes No | |
Pophkqty | Pophkqty | Poultry kept | |
Tenure | Tenure pattern | The Tenure Pattern used? 1 Ownerlike 2 Squarter 3 Rented 4 Family Land 5 Others | |
Hid1 | Identification | ||
Change | Change | change in stocks | |
Transpo | Transportation | The category of transport used? 1 Truck/Pickup/Vans 2 Motor Cycle 3 Bicycle 4 Boats/Engine Boats 5 Donkey/Camel 6 Head Carrier 7 Others | |
Plough | Plough | The category of Plough used? 1 Hoes 2 Cutlass 3 Animal 4 Motor 5 Others | |
Harves | Harvesting | The category of Harvesting instrument used? 1 Hoes 2 Cutlass 3 Combined Harvester 4 Others | |
Rf | Raising factor | ||
Total variable(s):
185 |