Private Security Guards Data (2013-2018)

Private Security Guards Data

Data from the National Bureau of Statistics on Information on Private Security Guards Industry from 2013
– 2018 reflected that there are 828,502 employees employed by 1,110 registered private guard companies
in 2018 compared to 791,210 employees employed by 1,058 registered private guard companies in 2017
and 771,478employees employed by 964 registered private guard companies in 2016.
Out of the 828,502 employed, 616,000 or 74% are male while the remaining 212,502 or 26% are female.
The categories of employees by qualification showed that 2,004 have post graduates qualifications with
N65,000 as remuneration, 234,996 are graduates with N55,000 as remuneration and 591,451 others have
ND, SSCE etc. with N25,000 as remuneration.

Data source: National Bureau of Statistics