Aviation Sector: Private Aircrafts Passengers and Aircraft Movement (2017)
The Aviation Sector report on Private Aircrafts Passengers and Aircraft Movement for 2017 reflected that total Domestic Passengers Movement by 41 identified private jet Operators was 147,823 in 2017. Locations with the highest passengers movement were Lagos (65,069), Abuja (28,556) and Osubi (24,166), accounting for 44.0%, 19.3% and 16. 3% of the total passengers conveyed respectively while locations with the lowest passengers movement were Zaria (49), Kebbi (162) and Gombe (389) accounting for 0.0%, 0.1% and 0.3% of the total passengers conveyed. Similarly, total International Passengers Movement by 41 identified private jet operators was 32,711 in 2017. Location with the highest passengers movement were Kano (16,205) and Abuja (8,536) accounting for 49.5% and 26.1% of the total passengers conveyed respectively while locations with the lowest passengers movement were Enugu (0) and PHC (82) accounting for 0.0% and 0.3% of the total passengers conveyed
Data source: National Bureau of Statistics
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