Key Highlights
The total number of active voice subscribers was 224,713,710 in Q4 2023 from 222,571,568 recorded in the corresponding quarter of 2022, indicating a growth rate of 0.96%. On a quarter-on-quarter basis, this rose by 1.32%.
Also, in Q4 2023, the total number of active internet subscribers stood at 163,838,439 from 154,847,901 reported in Q4 2022, showing an increase of 5.81%. On a quarter-on-quarter basis, this grew by 2.29%.
On state profile analysis, Lagos state had the highest number of active voice subscribers in Q4 2023 with 26, 739,346, followed by Ogun with 13,070,779 and Kano with 12,325,633. On the other hand, Bayelsa still recorded the least with 1,557,786, followed by Zamfara and Gombe with 2,772,424 and 2,785,030 respectively.
Similarly, Lagos state had the highest number of active internet subscribers in Q4 2023 with 18,927,446, followed by Ogun with 9,570,463 and Kano with 9,031,581. Likewise, Bayelsa recorded the least active internet subscriber with 1,193,525, followed by Zamfara and Gombe with 1,959,252 and 2,100,073 respectively. However, MTN maintains its status as the telecommunication service providers with highest share of subscriptions in Q4 2023.
Data source: National Bureau of Statistics