Key Highlights
The total number of road traffic crashes in Q3 2023 was 2,187, indicating a decrease of 26.29% from the previous quarter (Q2) which recorded 2,967 and 35.90% decrease from 3,412 in Q3 2022.
• Of all crashes, serious cases stood top in Q3 2023 with 1,419 compared to fatal and minor cases with 532 and 236 respectively. In addition, the three categories of cases recorded a decline, fatal declined by 29.63%, serious declined by 26.06% and minor cases declined by 19.18% in the quarter under review relative to the preceding quarter.
• A total of 743 males were killed in Q3 2023, accounting for 81.83% of 908 persons killed, compared to 165 (18.17%) females killed.
• Also, a total of 4,625 males were injured during the period, indicating 76.56% of 6,041 injured persons compared to 1,416 (23.44%) females injured.
• A total of 3,371 vehicles were involved in road traffic crashes in Q3 2023, lower compared to the previous quarter which recorded 4,615, indicating a decrease of 26.96%.
• The North-Central recorded the highest number of crashes in Q3 2023 with 880, followed by the South-West with 600, while the South-South had the least with 107.
• Similarly, the North-Central recorded the highest number of casualties with 2,548, followed by the South -West with 1,802, while the South-South recorded the least with 281.
Data source: National Bureau of Statistics