19th ICLS
The 19th International Conference of Labour Statisticians, Having reviewed the relevant texts of the resolution concerning statistics of the economically active population, employment, unemployment and underemployment adopted by the 13th International Conference of Labour Statisticians (1982) and the amendment of its paragraph 5 adopted by the 18th Conference (2008); the resolution concerning the measurement of underemployment and inadequate employment situations adopted by the 16th Conference (1998), as well as the guidelines endorsed therein concerning treatment in employment and unemployment statistics of persons on extended absences from work; and the guidelines on the implications of employment promotion schemes on the measurement of employment and unemployment, endorsed by the 14th Conference (1987),
Recalling the requirements of the Labour Statistics Convention, 1985 (No. 160), and the accompanying Labour Statistics Recommendation, 1985 (No. 170), and the need for coherence with other international statistical standards, particularly regarding the system of national accounts, working time, employment-related income, child labour, status in employment and work in the informal economy,
Recognizing the need to revise and broaden the existing standards in order to enable better statistical measurement of participation of all persons in all forms of work and in all sectors of the economy; of labour underutilization; and of interactions between different forms of work; as well as to provide guidelines on a wider set of measures than previously defined internationally, thereby enhancing the relevance and usefulness of the standards for countries and territories 1 at all stages of development,
Calling attention to the usefulness of these standards to enhance the international comparability of the statistics, to their contribution to the measurement of decent work and of well-being of households and society in general, thereby supporting and facilitating the post-2015 development agenda, as well as to the achievement of gender justice,
Acknowledging that the relevance of measures of work in a given country will depend on the nature of its society, labour markets and all user needs, and that their implementation will therefore, to a certain extent, be determined by national circumstances,
Adopts this 11th day of October 2013 the following resolution in substitution for the resolutions of 1982 and of 2008, and for paragraphs 8(1) and 9(1) of the resolution of 1998, as well as for the guidelines from 1987 and 1998 cited above.