Executive Summary
The road transport statistics for Q2 2022 showed that a total of 3,282 road traffic crashes were recorded during the period, indicating a decrease of 1.88% from 3,345 in Q1 2022. On a year-on-year basis, traffic crashes grew by 3.05% from the same period of the previous year. Disaggregated crashes by categories in Q2 2022 revealed that serious cases recorded the highest with 2,105, compared to fatal and minor cases with 823 and 354 respectively. The quarter-on-quarter analysis also showed that serious cases of crashes increased by 0.24% in Q2 2022 relative to Q1 2022 which recorded 2,100. Fatal cases declined by 5.51% in Q2 2022 relative to 871 in Q1 2022, while minor cases fell by 5.35% from 374 in Q1 2022. In terms of sex distribution of persons killed by crashes, a total of 1,225 males were killed in Q2 2022, representing 79.65%. On the other hand, 313 females were killed under the same period of review, representing 20.35%. On injuries sustained, more males had injuries from the crashes than females, injured males stood at 7,003, representing 76.57% relative to 2,143 injured females. The total number of vehicles involved in road traffic crashes stood at 5,263 in Q2 2022, lower compared to 5,316 in Q1 2022. This indicated a decline of 0.99% in Q2 2022. Moreso, of these crashes, commercial vehicles were mostly affected with 3,396 (34.20%), relative to other categories of vehicles such as private, government and diplomatic.
Data source: National Bureau of Statistics