Executive Summary
In Q3 2021, total road traffic crashes were 3,134, showing a decrease of 1.60 per cent from Q2 2021, which recorded 3,185. This rose by 8.71 per cent in Q4 2021 when 3,407 cases were recorded. Disaggregating crashes into categories shows that serious cases of road crashes in Q3 2021 were higher with 2,008 compared to fatal and minor cases with 723 and 403 respectively. Similarly, serious cases stood at 2,199 in Q4 2021 compared to fatal with 888 and minor with 320.
In terms of sex distribution of persons killed in road traffic crashes, 1,136 males were killed in Q3 2021, accounting for 79.33 per cent of 1,432 persons killed in total. This rose to 1,343 in Q4 2021, representing 81.30 per cent of 1,652 persons killed. Also, there were more males injured compared to females in Q3 2021 recording 78.51 per cent. The trend continued in Q4 2021 with males accounting for 76.01 per cent of injuries.
The number of vehicles involved in road traffic crashes were 4,946 in Q3 2021 compared to Q2 2021 which recorded 5,134. This indicates a decline of 3.66 per cent in Q3 2021. Similarly, 5,323 vehicles were involved in crashes in Q4 2021, indicating a 7.62 per cent growth from the preceding quarter. In Q3 and Q4 2021, commercial vehicles were mostly affected in road crashes compared to private, government and diplomatic vehicles.
Data source: National Bureau of Statistics